Now showing items 494-513 of 1604

    • The housing of the people, with special reference to Dublin 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      There is no necessity to apologize for introducing this subject to the notice of the Society. It fills 'the public mind almost beyond any other domestic question. We know, from recent utterances, 'that it occupies the ...
    • Housing of the rural population in Ireland 

      Synnott, Nicholas J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      It is generally supposed that the question of the housing of agricultural and other labourers in rural districts, which was dealt with in piecemeal and desultory fashion last Session, is now receiving the earnest and ...
    • The housing problem in Ireland and Great Britain and the essentials of its solution 

      Maguire, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1925)
      The aim of the present paper is to focus public opinion on the Housing Question, to press its urgency, and to appeal for individual and collective effort to aid in utilising fully the liberal provisions made by the ...
    • Housing supply in Ireland since 1990: The role of costs and regulation 

      Lyons, Ronan C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Statistical Society of Ireland, 2015)
      Housing has been central to both global and Irish economic fortunes in the past generation and was a major contributory factor in the Great Recession. Recently, greater attention has been paid around the world to the ...
    • The human factor in industry 

      Keane, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1941)
      I do ask you to interpret industry in its widest sense as covering not merely factories and organised business but human relations in all professions and individual occupations. Almost all the real difficulties of life ...
    • A Hundred and Fifty Years of Vital Statistics: Documenting Demographic Change in Ireland 

      Fitzgerald, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2016)
      In December 2015 the CSO published the 150th annual Vital Statistics volume (for 2013) – a publication which has played a central role in documenting demographic change in Ireland since the first edition for 1864. This ...
    • Hysteresis and the natural rate of unemployment in Ireland 

      Lee, George (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1990)
      Conventional Keynesian or Classical macroeconomic theories must be considered inadequate to explain unemployment experiences such as the Irish one. Rigidities that one might associate with fixed contracts, or even adjustment ...
    • Identifying policy impacts in the crisis: Microsimulation evidence on tax and welfare 

      Keane, Claire; Callan, Tim; Savage, Michael; Walsh, John R.; Timoney, Kevin (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2013)
      Ireland?s banking, property and fiscal crises, combined with a worldwide Great Recession have had severe implications for household incomes. Particular attention has focused on how incomes at various levels have been ...
    • Immigration policy and the skills of Irish immigrants: evidence and the implications 

      Minns, Chris (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2005)
      The rise of immigration into Ireland has been accompanied by a debate on the potential objectives of immigration policy. This paper begins with a survey of international and historical evidence on the economics of ...
    • The impact of changes in educational attainment on life expectancy in Ireland 

      FitzGerald, John; Byrne, David; Znuderl, Nusa (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2013)
      This article looks at scenarios quantifying the potential contribution of increasing educational attainment to the prospective improvement in life expectancy in Ireland over the next 50 years. This analysis uses recently ...
    • The impact of EEC financial assistance on Irish economic development since 1973 

      McNamara, Brendan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      Ireland became a member of the European Economic Community on January 1 1973. The decision to join an enlarged EEC had many motives, political and economic. Among the most important was the belief that membership ...
    • The impact of macro-economic growth on the income distribution in Ireland 1987-2004 

      O'Donoghue, Cathal (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2006)
      The Republic of Ireland has been the fastest growing economy in the OECD over the latter half of the 1990?s, an expansion known as the Celtic Tiger. Some commentators have commented on the gains from the boom being ...
    • The impact of state taxes and benefits on Irish household incomes 

      Murphy, Donal C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      In recent years the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has published detailed analyses of the redistributive effects of State taxes and social benefits on household incomes in 1973 and 1980 based on the results of large ...
    • The impact of the patent cliff on Pharma-Chem output in Ireland 

      Enright, Shane; Dalton, Mary (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2014)
      Ireland has a well-established specialisation in pharma-chem production, with nine of the top ten multinational corporations located in Ireland. The sector accounts for about 11 per cent of value added although due to its ...
    • The impact of the Restrictive Practices (Groceries) Order on competition in the Irish grocery trade 

      Donnelly, Gerry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2006)
      This paper analyses the history and key provisions of the Restrictive Practices (Groceries Order) since its inception in 1956 and demonstrates how the most recent incarnation of the Order in 1987 was fundamentally different ...
    • The impact of the war upon Irish economy 

      Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1940)
      The European war has given rise to many speculations, generally vague but almost always gloomy, upon its probable effects on Irish economic life. It is certain that the war has already brought about changes in our trade; ...
    • Impediments to savings from cost and trouble to the poor of proving wills 

      Webb, Alfred (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      The desirability of encouraging thrifty habits amongst our people is now fully acknowledged; and the admirable arrangements of the Post Office department afford ample facilities for the investment of small savings, for ...
    • Impediments to the prompt carrying out of some of the principles conceded by Parliament on the Irish land question 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      In this paper I do not propose to deal with any principles as applied to the Irish land question, except those which have already been conceded by Parliament. With respect to one branch of the land question?the encouragement ...
    • The implications for Ireland 

      Teeling, John T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1989)
      As is now common practice this paper uses "mergers" and "takeovers" interchangeably. Takeover activity is a normal part of business activity, though you would hardly think so to read the lurid reports in the popular ...
    • Implications for public policy 

      Vaughan, Anne (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
      I would like to thank the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland for inviting me to present a paper at this symposium on Pensions. It is certainly a period of great discussion and debate on pensions and is a ...