Now showing items 903-922 of 1604

    • On the valuation of property for taxation 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      In a former paper on valuation I mentioned the fact that in both England and Ireland large country houses are generally assessed at very low rates. This low rating, however, is not confined to country houses; there are ...
    • On the valuation of real property for taxation 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      In a paper read last session, I advocated the adoption in Ireland of the English system of assessing real property for taxation, so far as the ascertaining the annual value of the premises went, on the ground that the ...
    • On the valuation of real property for taxation 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      Thus in Ireland there are two different principles embodied in the Valuation Acts?one for the valuation of land, the other for the valuation of buildings; and the latter is the principle upon which the valuation of all ...
    • On the working of the sanitary laws in Dublin, with suggestions for their amendment 

      Norwood, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1873)
      The state of the laws relative to the Public Health in Ireland was, previous to the year 1866, extremely unsatisfactory. The attention of the Town-Council of Dublin having been directed to the matter by a report of Edward ...
    • One-day absence in industry 

      Froggatt, P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1965)
      Much has been written about absence from work taken in spells of three days or more, little about spells of one or two days?possibly because they do not ordinarily count for National Insurance benefit Nevertheless, this ...
    • Opening address by the President 

      O'Connor, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
      Since its formation in 1847 the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society has always provided a forum for discussion of the more important economic and social policy issues facing the country. Throughout its long history, the ...
    • Openness and growth: an international perspective 

      Pain, Nigel (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2001)
      International openness via the pursuit of liberal trade and investment policies has become one of the conventional verities of the policy advice handed out by multilateral institutions over the past two decades. Greater ...
    • The operation of monetary policy in Ireland 

      McGowan, Padraig (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1993)
      Most reviews of monetary policy concentrate on its appropriate ultimate objective, the degree to which it is being achieved and, from a macro-economic perspective, why the outcome may be deviating from that envisaged. A ...
    • The options for further EEC integration - an Irish view 

      Matthews, Alan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      Each alternative model of European economic integration would have a different impact on the Irish economy. The object of this paper is to briefly discuss their implications. The starting-point for this appraisal must ...
    • The organisation of official statistics in Saorstat Eireann and in some other countries 

      Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1933)
      In the complexity of modern life, governments and peoples require a vast and ever-increasing fund of measurable facts, or as they are called "statistics," for their work and weal. They require to know the size and ...
    • Origins, destinations and catchments: mapping travel to work in Ireland in 2002 

      Walsh, Jim; Foley, Ronan; Kavanagh, Adrian; McElwain, Ashling (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2006)
      Over recent years there has emerged an increased awareness of the importance of strategic spatial planning and of the extent to which concepts such as place and space really matter. An enhanced understanding of the ...
    • Our dairying and cattle industries 

      Kennedy, Henry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      In this country, of the 11.6 million acres of agricultural land, before the war about 10 millions were under grass. While in the future the cultivated area may not sink to the 1939 level, there is no doubt that in the ...
    • Our foreign commerce and free trade policy 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      In February, 1878,1 read a paper before this Society in defence of our national policy of free trade, which was at that time assailed with some vehemence as the cause of the then prevailing mercantile depression. Since ...
    • Our habitual criminals 

      Falkiner, F. R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1882)
      In seeking to take counsel with you here to-night on the grave problem our habitual criminals present, I have been most desirous not merely to iterate deplorings I have perhaps too often vainly made elsewhere, nor to suggest ...
    • Our hospital system compared with those of England, France, and Austria 

      McDonnell, Robert (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      As it would occupy too much time to enter into details regarding our hospital system, and as it would be beside my present intention, which is to compare the system adopted in this country with that of our neighbours, ...
    • Our industrial and reformatory school systems in relation to the poor 

      Daly, E.D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1891)
      My purpose in bringing it before you can only be to refresh our minds on a subject of importance, apt to be somewhat overlooked in the rush of politics around us. It is a subject on which a great deal of learning can ...
    • Our present and future water supply 

      Walker, John A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1894)
      Public attention has been directed to the water supply to the city and townships during the past year more than has been the case since the foundation of the Vartry system. It seemed to require some such event as the ...
    • Our society: its aims and achievements (1847-1919) 

      Millin, S. Shannon (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
      On the 22nd November, 1847, a number of gentlemen met in the Royal Irish Academy, Grafton Street,when it was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Captain T. A. Larcom, R.E.: "That a Society be established to be called ...
    • The over-population fallacy considered 

      Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      We hear so much at the present day about over-population and the remedies suggested for that disease, that I think it will not be uninteresting to inquire what over-population is, when it can properly be said to exist, ...
    • Over-taxation and local expenditure in Ireland 

      Synnott, Nicholas J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1899)
      The speech delivered by Mr. Arthur Balfour in the House of Commons on the 5th July, 1898, has evidently been considered a particularly effective and unanswerable reply to the financial demands of Ireland, for it was not ...