Now showing items 37-56 of 666

    • Background and some issues 

      Durkan, Joe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1993)
      The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), and the guidance element of the European Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) associated with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) constitute ...
    • The bearing on industry of the impending changes in Irish education 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      The decay of so many of their industries, and the persistent inadequacy of the remunerative employments remaining available for them, have weighed down the spirits of the Irish people for so many sad years, that a man ...
    • The behavioural characteristics of the model-80 model of the Irish economy 

      FitzGerald, John D.; Keegan, Owen (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
      For as long as governments have had the inclination or capability to influence economic events they have based their policies on their beliefs and prejudices as to how the economy works. These beliefs and prejudices ...
    • Bimetallism as a policy for the British Empire 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1882)
      In this paper I take as proved the Bullionist theory; that is to say, the doctrine that the circulating medium ought to possess intrinsic value. All who admit this admit further that the circulating medium ?or rather the ...
    • The boot and shoe industry of Saorstat Eireann 

      McCarthy, C.P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1935)
      The Irish market in footwear was always of great importance to the British importers. When the tariff was first imposed in 1924 "the Irish Free State took one-third of the total British exports of footwear." (Economic ...
    • Borrow and prosper - notes on the user cost of capital 

      Frain, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1990)
      It is often argued that many firms can do very well by borrowing. The conclusion is based on two points which may be illustrated as follows. Firstly suppose that the effective rate of income tax is 50%, the nominal interest ...
    • The Brussels Free Trade Congress and International Association for Customs Reform 

      Hutton, Henry Dix (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      It is not necessary to dwell upon the benefits which must also result from the concentration of the efforts of distinct nations in the prosecution of objects involving the common interests of all; or upon the tendency ...
    • Building research capacity in the social sciences ? alternatives approaches 

      Ruane, Frances; Whelan, Brendan J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2011)
      In contrast to previous decades, the past decade has seen major investments by the Irish government in the national research capacity. As part of this investment, there has been a significant investment in the social ...
    • Business in a Compressed Economy 

      Brady, Gerard (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2020)
      COVID-19 has led to the sharpest compression of economic activity in living memory (OECD, 2020). The recent roadmap published by Government gives clarity on when sectors may expect to be allowed re-open again, but ‘normal’ ...
    • The C.I.O. industrial survey 

      Brock, C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1964)
      The industrial survey which is being undertaken by the Committee on Industrial Organisation is of an unusually wide scope, for in this survey all the major industrial sectors in Ireland are being subject to detailed study ...
    • Canals and waterways of western Europe 

      Montmorency Morris, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      A history of the waterways of the world would tell a great part of the story of early human migration and the rise and growth of commercial intercourse. In early days, it was by rivers rather than by forest tracks that ...
    • Capitalism and crises 

      Colbert, John P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1933)
      The paradox of economic distress in the midst of plenty, so prominent in the present depression, appears to be exercising people's minds in a most disturbing manner. The world is apparently glutted with commodities of ...
    • Cartels and syndicates in German industry 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      The object of this paper is to give some account of these German industrial organisations, known as Cartels and Syndicates. I am afraid not many of us in this country paid much attention to them until the question of " ...
    • The case for bimetallism 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1891)
      The question which this essay is an attempt to answer, may be thus expressed :?What would be the effect on prices, and on the financial and industrial interests of the world in general, if the leading nations of the ...
    • Celtic migrations 

      Heron, Denis Caulfield (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In that remote age of which no personal records remain, but whose history may be derived from the known dispersion of races and languages ? as the geologist, from fragments of rock, traces the events of the primeval ...
    • The Census of Ireland, 1911 (illustrated by lantern slides) 

      Thompson, William J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1913)
      At the outset of this paper I should like first to thank the President and Council of the Statistical Society for the privilege they have accorded me by inviting me to appear before you this evening, and secondly to ...
    • Centenary of the Societe de Statistique de Paris 

      Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      The President of the Societe de Statistique de Paris sent the following invitation to the President of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland requesting him, or a deputy on his behalf, to attend at the ...
    • Changes and trends in our educational system since 1922 

      O Raifeartaigh, T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      This is, I think, the first talk on our educational system that has been given here and so, before the statistics of the subject can be usefully considered, a sketch of the structure and history of the system would seem ...
    • Changes in Irish exports (second paper) 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
      In a previous Paper (read to this Society on April 26th, 1918) I analysed the figures for the Exports at Irish Ports which have been published by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland for ...
    • The changing burden of personal income tax in Ireland and the social valuation of income 1946-1976 

      O Muircheartaigh, Fionan S. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1977)
      This paper uses the historical experience since 1946 as a basis for the examination of three problems, the impact of inflation on the individual taxpayer's burden, changes in the progression of the tax schedule and changes ...