Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Acting CMO gave commitment that all Dublin pubs would reopen together 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020-09-18)
      The Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronan Glynn made a commitment that the distinction between food and wet pubs would not apply when current lockdown of the hospitality sector ended, according to the Licensed Vintners ...
    • Government and NPHET driving thousands of pubs into mortgage default 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      LVA slams 'package' of supports announced by Government as a "paltry, token gesture". Pubs closed for 6 months receive same level of aid as Kildare businesses closed for 4 weeks.
    • Government can’t hide behind NPHET now 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      Any decision to keep wet pubs closed while other parts of hospitality open will be political decision based on zero evidence made by FF, FG and Green Party.
    • Government on verge of destroying own plan 3 days after publication 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      Government and NPHET practising "pick and mix approach" to national strategy. No correlation between HPSC data on outbreaks which show zero open outbreaks in pubs and NPHET advice.
    • Hospitality lockdown in Dublin not reducing level of infections 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      Non food pubs in Dublin continue to be only pubs not allowed to open in country. Will have been closed for minimum of 225 days.
    • Hospitality should begin reopening in 6 weeks 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2021)
      First step should include outdoor service for all types of hospitality venues in late May. Indoor service should follow shortly afterwards for all pubs and restaurants when hotels reopen in June. Any long delay between NI ...
    • LVA rejects NPHET suggestion of separating vaccinated from unvaccinated, describing it as ridiculous and unworkable 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2021)
      LVA Proposes delaying reopening until 19th July to allow 60-69 age group be vaccinated. Says NPHET assumptions should be independently validated.
    • Singling out of non food pubs again would completely destroy publican trust in Government 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      Cabinet must stick to its decision of last Tuesday to re-open all pubs. Contradictory messaging from Government and NPHET adding enormously to uncertainty and stress facing publicans.
    • Vintners welcome earlier pub reopening dates 

      Licensed Vintners Association; Vintners Federation of Ireland (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2021)
      Publican representatives have welcomed the Government announcement that pubs will reopen on 20th July, three weeks earlier than originally planned and that pubs who serve food can reopen at the same time as the rest of the ...
    • Welcome to NPHET-land: Government cedes control to NPHET 

      Licensed Vintners Association (Licensed Vintners AssociationIE, 2020)
      The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has accused the Government of ceding control of the country to NPHET, following their decision to put pubs that serve food and restaurants into Level 4 while the rest of Dublin is ...