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dc.contributor.authorContreras Osorio, Sebastián
dc.contributor.authorMartín Pérez, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorIvarsson, Karl-Ivar
dc.contributor.authorPagh Nielsen, Kristian
dc.contributor.authorde Rooy, Wim C.
dc.contributor.authorGleeson, Emily
dc.contributor.authorMcAufield, Ewa
dc.identifier.citationSebastián Contreras Osorio, Daniel Martín Pérez, Karl-Ivar Ivarsson, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Wim C. de Rooy, Emily Gleeson, Ewa McAufield, 'Impact of the Microphysics in HARMONIE-AROME on Fog', Met Éireann, 2022-12-19
dc.description.abstractThis study concerns the impact of microphysics on the HARMONIE-AROME NWP model. In particular, the representation of cloud droplets in the single-moment bulk microphysics scheme is examined in relation to fog forecasting. We focus on the shape parameters of the cloud droplet size distribution and recent changes to the representation of the cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC). Two configurations of CDNC are considered: a profile that varies with height and a constant one. These aspects are examined together since few studies have considered their combined impact during fog situations. We present a set of six experiments performed for two non-idealised three dimensional case studies over the Iberian Peninsula and the North Sea. One case displays both low clouds and fog, and the other shows a persistent fog field above sea. The experiments highlight the importance of the considered parameters that affect droplet sedimentation, which plays a key role in modelled fog. We show that none of the considered configurations can simultaneously represent all aspects of both cases. Hence, continued efforts are needed to introduce relationships between the governing parameters and the relevant atmospheric conditions.en
dc.publisherMet Éireannen
dc.subjectHARMONIE-AROME NWP modelen
dc.subjectCloud dropletsen
dc.subjectCloud microphysicsen
dc.subjectNumerical weather predictionen
dc.subjectCloud droplet number concentrationen
dc.subjectCloud droplet size distributionen
dc.titleImpact of the Microphysics in HARMONIE-AROME on Fogen
dc.typejournal articleen
dc.contributor.corporatenameMet Éireannen

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