When you cough or sneeze cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands [poster]

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PNG imageItem Type:
Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 'When you cough or sneeze cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands', [poster], Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-08-31Download Item:
Corporate name:
Health Protection Surveillance CentrePublisher:
Health Protection Surveillance CentreOther Titles:
Clúdaigh do shrón agus do bhéal le naipcín nuair a dhéanann tú casach nó sraothartach nó déan casacht nó sraoth i d'uillinn, ní i do lámhaCorporate name:
Health Protection Surveillance CentrePublisher:
Health Protection Surveillance CentreType of material:
Full text availableSubject:
Covid-19, Coronavirus, Sneezing, Respiratory hygieneMetadata
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