Now showing items 1290-1309 of 1604

    • A Review of 15 Years of Corporation Tax Returns 2004 to 2018 

      Lawlor, Donough; Acheson, Jean (2021)
    • A review of Irish agricultural prices 

      Barrington, Thomas (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1927)
      It is not proposed in this paper to exhibit or discuss to any great extent actual prices expressed in terms of money, but rather to indicate how the prices of the leading agricultural products have fluctuated (a) from ...
    • A review of recent trends in output, employment and productivity in Ireland 

      Sexton, J. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2007)
      This paper reviews real output, employment and productivity trends in the Irish economy over the ten year period from 1995 to 2005. The analyses, which are carried out within the framework of the CSO Annual National Accounts, ...
    • A review of some of the subjects in the report of the Royal Commission on Prisons in Ireland 

      MacDonnell, Hercules (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1885)
      A review of some of the subjects in the Report of the Royal Commission on Prisons in Ireland has appeared to me a subject well worthy of consideration before this Society, dealing as it does with social problems of vast ...
    • A review of the economic and social condition of Ireland 

      Todhunter, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1899)
      Several of my predecessors in the office of President have taken as the subject-matter of their addresses a review of the economic and social condition of Ireland as revealed to us in the statistics furnished by the ...
    • A review of the general topographical index of Ireland 1901 

      Matheson, Robert E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      I purpose this evening to present to the Society a short review of the General Topographical Index of Ireland, published in connection with the Census of 1901, setting forth briefly some of the features of public interest ...
    • Road freight transport in Ireland 

      Sexton, J. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1967)
      This paper describes a Sample Survey of Road Freight Transport which was carried out by the Central Statistics Office during 1964. The main objective of the survey was to provide estimates, at the national level, of such ...
    • Road freight transport in Ireland, 1980 

      Geoghegan, Brian; Brady, G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
      In the last quarter of 1979 a continuous sample survey of road freight transport activity was initiated by the CSO. This paper examines the methodology of the survey and provides an analysis of some of the results for 1980, ...
    • Rural industries: an example from North Carolina 

      Duncan, G. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1927)
      Economic philosophers, whose genius is admonitory rather than analytical, have found a peculiar satisfaction in the contemplation of "rural industries." They have generally approached the subject from the sentimental ...
    • Russian serfs and British laborers 

      Wynne, Henry (Dublin Statistical Society, 1855)
      At the present period any inquiry into the social resources of that vast country which is carrying on a stupendous struggle with the bulk of the civilized nations of Europe, must possess peculiar interest, and a comparison ...
    • Safeguarding trust in Irish Official Statistics: A code of practice for the Irish statistical system 

      Dalton, Padraig (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2014)
      For official statistics to be of value they must be trusted. Achieving and maintaining trust requires that statistics are produced in an objective, transparent and independent manner. In many countries codes of practice ...
    • Salmon fisheries in Ireland and the report of the Irish Inland Fisheries Commission 

      Conner, H. D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      The object of this paper is to bring before this Society the importance of the salmon fishery to the country districts of Ireland, to give an outline of the conditions essential to insure its prosperity, and to summarize ...
    • The sampling referendum in the service of popular government 

      Hackett, Felix E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1941)
      The attitude which may be taken towards the method of sampling referenda as a measure of public opinion will depend mainly on two factors; the trust reposed on the technique of scientific sampling and the degree of ...
    • The sanitary condition of our national schools 

      Roche, Anthony (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1900)
      That the health of the individual and the community depends largely on their surroundings being sanitary is now universally admitted. That this rule is specially applicable to the young, is acknowledged by all sanitarians, ...
    • The sanitary state of Belfast, with suggestions for its improvement 

      Malcolm, A. G. (Belfast Social Inquiry Society, 1852)
      Having devoted earnest attention for several years past to the sanitary circumstances of this town, and having observed certain uniform results and conditions in its vital statistics connected with its physical state, ...
    • The sanitary state of Dublin 

      Mapother, E. D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      In this paper, for the incompleteness of which I shall at once apologize, I propose to sketch briefly, and as far as my observations have extended, the sanitary state of our city, being convinced that much disease, and ...
    • Savings banks as a state function developed by charity organisation 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1876)
      It is commonly recognised that one of the most valuable institutions for encouraging prudence and self-denial amongst the poor is the system of Post Office Savings Banks, with its numerous offices open on every week-day ...
    • Schemes for the rehabilitation of youth in certain countries, with special reference to labour service 

      Beere, Thekla J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1939)
      Unemployment among young persons is one of the most acute and disturbing problems of this generation. It is difficult to assess its exact magnitude either in this or in other countries, but the International Labour ...
    • School attendance in Ireland 

      Ryan, Frederick W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      In this paper your attention is drawn to the Irish Education Act of 1892, upon the efficient working of which must positively depend?as I hope to confirm by figures?the general success of Irish Elementary Education as ...
    • Schooling returns, schooling decisions and educational finance 

      Harmon, Colm (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2002)
      Given the presence of significant returns to education, it would seem logical to query why individuals choose to leave school early. This paper examines the evidence on this issue, dealing with both methodological and ...