Now showing items 1320-1339 of 1604

    • A short review of the general financial principles and methods of Irish and British social insurance schemes 

      Honohan, W. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
      The social insurance schemes at present in operation are those relating to health, unemployment and pensions. These schemes are distinguishable from other social schemes by the fact that direct contributions are taken ...
    • Short-term economic forecasting 

      Menton, Brendan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1965)
      The main purpose of short-term economic forecasting is to try to assess prospective economic conditions as a guide to the policy required to maintain economic activity at the liighest sustainable level. The period of ...
    • Should boards of guardians endeavour to make pauper-labour self supporting or should they investigate the causes of pauperism? 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1851)
      The controversies, as well theoretical as practical, respecting the mode in which poor laws should be administered, have generally arisen from taking too narrow a view of the subject. The all important question of the ...
    • Should the list of authorised trustee investments in the Irish Free State be extended? 

      Eason, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1932)
      I recommend that to the list of authorised investments should be added some Free State Securities, some Securities in Northern Ireland and some in Foreign Countries and British Dominions. But before doing so I review ...
    • Should the Local Government Acts be extended to Ireland? 

      Hancock, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      In September, 1867, at the request of the Council of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, I read a paper at the Belfast Congress in answer to the question, " Should the Local Government Acts be ...
    • Should the tenant of land possess the property in the improvements made by him? 

      Heron, Denis Caulfield (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      I wish to discuss the question which I have prefixed to this paper for the consideration of the society, without direct reference to the existing Tenant Right of Ulster, or to the reforms in the law of real property ...
    • The significance of some recent Irish statistics 

      Finlay, T.A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1913)
      The Statistics published from time to time by Government Departments are often accepted as indicating, without further interpretation, the prosperity of a nation. It is assumed that when we know the amount of wealth ...
    • The significance of veterinary science in the national economy 

      Harnett, P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1956)
      I propose to go into the economic significance of veterinary science in the Republic of Ireland and to relate the evidence to the year 1954. The most significant figures I have arrived at are derived from the returns on ...
    • Sir Robert Peel's Bank Act of 1844 explained and defended 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      THERE are few acts of parliament more important in themselves, or which have given rise to more discussion, than Sir Robert Peel's celebrated Bank Act of 1844 (7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 32). I am anxious to take an opportunity ...
    • Sixty-sixth session 1912/1913 

      Unknown author (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1913)
    • Sliding scales for rent - value and fair rents - annual and capital value 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1888)
      The principle of varying judicial rents according to prices, introduced by the Land Law Act of 1887, is a startling innovation in our system of land tenure. To me it appears a retrogressive step?not on the ground that ...
    • Slum clearance in Dublin 

      Canavan, J.E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1938)
      Residents of Dublin have frequently had their attention called to the fact that many persons in the city are badly housed. Those who live in better houses and localities know in a vague and general way that slums exist, ...
    • Slums: a sociological retrospect of the city of Dublin 

      Millin, S. Shannon (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1914)
      If I required an excuse for my paper, I would quote the words of the Chief Secretary Right Hon. A. Birrell, M.P., in reply to a deputation which recently waited on him in reference to the Dublin Housing Problem:?"As ...
    • Small manufacturing business in Northern Ireland 

      Bates, James; Bell, Maeve (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1973)
      Small businesses play a vital role in the economy of Northern Ireland. In manufacturing industry 1,252 out of a total of 1,542 establishments employ fewer than 100 people. The Bolton Committee commissioned a great deal ...
    • The social and moral elevation of our working classes 

      Haughton, James (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      I have indicated some means whereby the social and moral elevation of our working classes may be secured to an extent hitherto unknown among us; and I conclude by the expression of my full belief that all our efforts ...
    • Social expenditure and the social accounts of the European Economic Community 

      Broderick, J. B. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1975)
      Certain summary information relating to the Social Accounts of the EEC was published in "Report of the Development of the Social Situation in the Communities in 1974". The Statistical Office of the EEC will publish the ...
    • The social geography of Belfast 

      Jones, Emrys (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1954)
      The main task of the social geographer is to analyse the relationship between social groups and their environment and to identify the regional differentiation of such relationships. In a town or city the relationships ...
    • The social income of Eire, 1938-40 

      Duncan, G. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1941)
      A paper read before the Society on Thursday, 26th October, 1939 carried the investigation up to 1937, with provisional estimates for 1938 and conjectures for 1939. Of the seven heads into which monetary income was there ...
    • The social income of the Irish Free State, 1926-38 

      Duncan, G. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1940)
      In the Economic Journal of March, 1933, Dr. T. J. Kiernan published an estimate of the national income of the Irish Free State for the year 1926, and followed it up with a paper, read before this Society in June, 1933, ...
    • The social legislation of 1904 - registration of clubs (Ireland); licensing (England): applicability of it to Ireland 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      The public general Statutes passed in the Session of 1904, are only thirty-six in number, and are contained in one hundred and three pages of print. Amongst these are four measures of considerable importance in social ...