Now showing items 245-264 of 1604

    • Dis-entangling the mortgage arrears crisis: The role of the labour market, income volatility and negative equity 

      McCarthy, Yvonne (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2014)
      Despite various efforts to address the mortgage arrears crisis, arrears remain at an elevated level. Designing policies to deal with such high levels of distress requires a deep understanding of the precise sources of the ...
    • Disaster cost assessment: A case study of the potential economic impact of a nuclear accident affecting Ireland 

      Curtis, John; Coyne, Bryan; Morgenroth, Edgar L. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2018)
      We present a method for assessing the economic costs of disasters with relatively low data requirements, complementing existing methods of disaster cost assessment, such as input-output (IO) analysis and computable general ...
    • Discharged prisoners' aid societies 

      Alcorn, James G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      The great principle of Beccaria, ?that it is better to prevent crimes than to punish them? and on which is built our very successful Reformatory and Industrial School system, has been sadly neglected in Ireland in regard ...
    • A Discursive Institutionalist Approach to Understanding the Changes to the Irish Social Partnership Policy After 2008 

      Hogan, John; Timoney, Nicola (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2016)
      Employing the critical juncture theory (CJT), a discursive institutionalist approach, this paper examines the nature of the changes to social partnership policy at the end of the decade of the 2000s. Did these changes ...
    • A discussion on social class background with special reference to students at Queens University, Belfast 

      Rea, Desmond (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1968)
      It is obvious that to classify anything you must have some standard of selection. When we come to human society we find that the members of a society, could be classified in an indefinite number of ways depending on the ...
    • Discussion on the future of Irish external trade 

      Kennedy, Henry; Johnston, Joseph; O'Hegarty, P. S.; Edgeworth, K. E.; O Coineain, A.; Mortished, R. J. P.; Meenan, James; Geary, R. C.; Beddy, J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
      Dr. Henry Kennedy said that his contribution to the Discussion would take the form of a detailed estimate of the productive potential of our land. He would leave to other speakers consideration of the economic and perhaps ...
    • Discussion on the problem of full employment 

      Lynch, Patrick; Whitaker, T. K. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1946)
      I feel very uneasy in opening a debate on a subject like this, a subject on which so much has been spoken and written by experts. It is impossible to discuss the subject without expressing views influenced in large part ...
    • Discussions on papers read during the 97th session 1943/1944 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
      On account of the paper shortage it was not found possible to print summaries of discussions on papers read during the 1943-44 Session. These are printed in the present supplement, the pagination of which continues from ...
    • The distribution of personal wealth by county in Ireland, 1966 

      Lyons, Patrick M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1973)
      The level and distribution of incomes and wealth are some of the most important factors in the study of economics, and some of the most contentious factors in the political arena. Until quite recently, statistical data ...
    • Drifting to absolutism ? 

      King, F. C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1953)
      Thirty years ago, more or less, we attained our independence as a nation and proceeded to set up our own government with high hopes for our island territory both within and beyond the dividing frontier which cuts across ...
    • The drought of 1887, and some of its effects on Irish agriculture 

      Barrington, Richard M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1888)
      The exceptional character of the summer of the year 1887, and its marked influence on the crops on my farm at Fassaroe, Bray, Co. Wicklow, induced me two months ago to make enquiries, and collect information from other ...
    • The drought of 1887, and some of its effects on Irish agriculture: maps 

      Barrington, Richard M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1888)
      Maps showing distribution of rainfall in Ireland
    • Dublin city passenger transport services 

      Stewart, D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1955)
      I am not aware that any paper has before been submitted to this Society on the subject of Dublin's City Transport Services, and I have, therefore, accepted the invitation to remedy that position with no little diffidence ...
    • The Dublin hospitals - their grants and governing bodies 

      Mapother, E. D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1870)
      I most earnestly wish that the task of exposing abuses had devolved upon others?the officers of those hospitals in which pure motives hold sway, for instance; but as the question concerns the health, the limbs, and the ...
    • Dublin House Prices: A History of Booms and Busts from 1708-1949 

      Deeter, Karl; Quinn, Frank; Duffy, David (SSISI, 2017)
      This paper presents an annual property price index for Dublin over the period 1708-1949. Obtaining the data for a historical index and presenting it was the objective of this research. It was done in the belief that any ...
    • The Dublin housing question: sanitary and insanitary 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1913)
      So much attention has been devoted to the insanitary condition of certain quarters of our City that it appears to me that the work which has been done for the providing of sanitary and comfortable dwellings for the workers ...
    • Dublin's north fringe: a new model for suburban greenfield development 

      Gleeson, Dick (Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)
      The process described here represents a negotiated Masterplan initiated by Dublin Corporation to provide a coherent urban design and implementation framework for the development of a major new urban area on the northern ...
    • The duty of the state towards the pauper children of Ireland 

      Millin, S. Shannon (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      It is not without many misgivings that I approach the subject of pauperism, on which is dependent to so large an extent the social prosperity of the Irish people. The subject has been discussed in various aspects from ...
    • A dynamic model of the Irish economy 

      Quinlan, P. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      The present paper is the result of a spare-time study over the past three years, first on the effects of increased production in agriculture on all other sectors of our economy, and more recently on the combined effects ...
    • The dynamics of Ireland's net external position 

      Lane, Philip R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2012)
      Ireland's net external liability position expanded in dramatic fashion during 2008-2010, despite relatively small net financial flows during this period. Understanding the source and persistence of this negative shock is ...