Now showing items 285-304 of 1604

    • The economic implications of peace in Ireland 

      Borooah, Vani K. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1995)
      The cease-fire of August 1994, in Northern Ireland, has held for sufficiently long to raise the prospect of a permanent peace. Peace in Northern Ireland should be valued and cherished in its own right, because it restores ...
    • The economic implications of peace in Ireland 

      Bradley, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1995)
      In our paper, we will first set the scene for the post cease-fire economic possibilities by briefly examining what we refer to as the "lost" years since the start of open conflict in the North in 1969. Although economists ...
    • The economic interests involved in the present war 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1915)
      Adam Smith, in his final chapter, treats of Public Debts; he points out why the sudden and great expenditure on warfare is always met by borrowing instead of by increased taxation: "By means of borrowing," he says, ...
    • Economic issues in Irish forestry 

      O'Connor, R.; Kearney, B. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1993)
      The main objective of this paper is to show the extent to which forestry can provide income and employment in the State. To put the subject in context the paper commences by showing the areas under forest in Ireland and ...
    • Economic leviathans 

      Johnston, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1953)
      Students of world economic affairs in the inter-war period were impressed by the extent to which the world scene was dominated by the economic policies (or impolicies) of two great economic leviathans : the U.S.A., and ...
    • Economic Management in Ireland Post-EMU: A Trade Union Perspective 

      O'Riordan, Manus (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1999)
      The end of the 1990s has seen the Irish economy exposed as never before. But the 1990s has also seen the Irish economy grow as never before. Clearly the challenges of openness can only be met and confronted if the circumstances ...
    • Economic management in Ireland post-EMU: Ireland?s potential within EMU 

      Geoghegan, Brian (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1999)
      A tendency to seriousness is not usually a characteristic associated with the Irish but our national image may be in the process of being redefined as we treat the management of success with almost as much caution and worry ...
    • Economic management in Ireland post-EMU: policy implications of globalisation and regionalisation 

      Bradley, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1999)
      In today?s increasingly globalised economy, it is something of a paradox that while policy-making autonomy is being progressively ceded by states to supranational organisations, regions within nation states have also begun ...
    • Economic planning in France 

      Timoney, Nicola (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      In the nineteen sixties, a number of authors complained of the difficulty of identifying the exact nature of French-style planning. A short historical review of the First to the Sixth Plans (1947-1975) will be followed ...
    • Economic policy and performance: the Irish experience 

      McAleese, Dermot (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
      This year we celebrate not just the 150th anniversary of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland (SSISI). The session 1997-98 also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the founding of the European Community, ...
    • Economic relativity 

      O'Brien, George (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
      If the sole purpose of the work of the Society were statistical investigation, I would be completely unqualified to preside over its meetings. It is possible, however, to slip in under the second part of our title. In ...
    • Economic restructuring, urban change and regeneration: the case of Dublin 

      Drudy, P. J.; Punch, Michael (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2000)
      This paper examines the impact of international economic restructuring and globalisation in urban areas, with particular reference to Ireland?s capital city, Dublin. These trends, often depicted as unproblematic, have ...
    • The economic structure of towns in Ireland 

      O’Donoghue, Cathal; Geoghegan, Cathal; Heanue, Kevin; Meredith, David (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2014)
      In this paper we undertook an analysis of the Economic Structure of Towns in Ireland, classified by size. While economic development in Ireland is often viewed as an East-West issue, the situation is more complex. Traditionally ...
    • Economic studies in Northern Ireland labour statistics 

      O'Herlihy, C. St J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1964)
      This paper deals with three topics all related to Northern Ireland. The first part is devoted to an analysis of the difference in weekly earnings between Great Britain and Northern Ireland for 22 minimum list headings. ...
    • The economic utilisation of grassland 

      O'Connor, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1960)
      Recent experimental work has brought to notice the remarkable yield potential of Irish grassland. In experiments at Johnstown Castle on poor soils, yields of about 40 cwts. of starch equivalent (S.E.) per acre were obtained ...
    • The economics of "industrial revival" in Ireland 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      I am anxious in this paper to promote an amicable discussion upon the question whether the people who are promoting the Industrial Development are "doing just what will have the opposite effect to that which they intend"
    • The economics of equal pay 

      Geary, Patrick T.; Walsh, Brendan M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1972)
      The importance of the concept of equal pay appears to derive from the notion that unequal pay represents discrimination against women, and hence is unjust. There is however a basic difficulty in defining "equal pay". ...
    • The economics of Irish forestry 

      Gray, H. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1964)
      In reviewing the development of State Forestry in Ireland with particular regard to its economic implications, I propose to deal successively with three main periods of development?-1908-1922 and 1922-1958?which between ...
    • Economies of scale and technical change in electricity production in Ireland 

      Harrison, M. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1980)
      Knowledge of the structure of production in public-utility enterprises is of considerable economic importance. Such things as the nature and extent of returns to scale and returns to individual factor inputs, the degree ...
    • Education and economic performance in the OECD countries: an elusive relationship? 

      Martin, John P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
      One of the most common political mantras to-day is that education is the handmaiden of economic growth and prosperity. Politicians like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair constantly trumpet the need to invest in education and ...