Now showing items 648-667 of 1604

    • Legislation on behalf of neglected children in America and elsewhere 

      Barrett, Rosa M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1892)
      It is only since 1889 that a father in England has been obliged to maintain his child ? until then it was a voluntary act. In America even a taskmaster in the old slave days, who starved a slave might be (and actually ...
    • The level and distribution of social capital in Ireland 

      Healy, T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2006)
      The concept and term `social capital? has enjoyed widespread currency in recent years not least in Ireland where it has emerged prominently in public policy debates (NESF, 2003). Claims have frequently been advanced that ...
    • The liability of married women to income tax 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1899)
      I desire to call attention to the anomalous state of the law as regards the liability of married women to Income Tax. The statute which regulates this liability is Section 45 of the Income Tax act of 1842(5 & 6 Viet., ...
    • Licensing and publichouse reform in Ireland 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      "No apology is, I think, needed for introducing this subject to the consideration of the Society, although I could wish that the task had fallen to one more conversant with it than I am. The evils of intemperance are ...
    • Licensing and publichouse reform in Ireland [a continuation] 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      A little more than a year ago I read a paper on this subject before this Society (Journal, Vol. XI, p. 106), dealing mainly with the Report of the Royal Commission of 1896. I intend now to deal with the schemes proposed ...
    • The licensing of shops 

      Meredith, James C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1927)
      The extension and multiplication of licensing provisions is a natural, and perhaps inevitable, outcome of the development and growing complexity of civilization and social organization. This tendency is viewed with ...
    • The limitations of school 

      Brown, Sparkhall (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
      During the past two years two papers on Educational topics have been read to this Society, one by Mr. Williamson entitled "Post-War Functions of Commercial Education," and the other by Mr. Ryan on "The Preparation of ...
    • The limits of state interference with the distribution of wealth, in applying taxation to the assistance of the public 

      Longfield, Mountifort (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1872)
      The science of political economy teaches the laws which regulate the creation, accumulation, and distribution of wealth. It has been fully proved that as soon as society arrives at a very moderate degree of civilization, ...
    • The linen trade and the customs' duties 

      Donnell, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1870)
      Such, then is the nature of the depression in the linen business, and I propose to show 1st. That for this depression our system of levying taxation by customs' duties is responsible. 2nd. That customs' duties are ...
    • The links between statistics, research and policymaking 

      Blackwell, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1986)
      The recent Government paper on the Central Statistics Office and the accompanying report of the Statistical Council are to be welcomed. This is partly because their specific proposals would lead to a more efficient ...
    • Living in a new community: a summary of results of a social survey 

      Ward, Conor K. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1969)
      This paper presents a summary of the results of a social survey. The survey was one of a series of studies of social aspects of urban redevelopment and housing provision which the Department of Social Science, University ...
    • Local development issues on the urban periphery: Tallaght from the bottom-up 

      Punch, Michael (Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)
      The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of aspects of urban social change by orientating the analysis around a grassroots-level focus . Specifically, bottom-up experiences of and responses to some of ...
    • Local government finance and central control 

      Lofts, D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      The local government systems of England and Northern Ireland are alike in essentials, and their structure and financial basis both date from the last decades of the nineteenth century. In those days, as now, local authorities ...
    • Local government in Northern Ireland: areas, functions and finance 

      Lawrence, R. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1966)
      The main objects of this paper are to show that local government in Northern Ireland needs to be reorganised, and to suggest some possible reforms. I begin by noting the chief landmarks in the evolution of Irish local ...
    • Local government reform 

      McCarthy, Colm (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      The reform proposals issued by the Minister for the Environment on March 7th last envisage an expansion in the role and scope of local government which is very wide-ranging. It includes: ? sub-county structures to cover ...
    • Local government reform 

      Bristow, J. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      My purpose here is not to argue one way or the other as regards the controversy about the proper role, structure or finance of local authorities in Ireland. I propose to do no more than to parade some of the contributions which ...
    • Local government reform 

      Barrington, T. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      I propose to put to you two main arguments that it is in the national interest at last to take seriously the Irish local government system. The first means taking a backward look to try to arrive at some quantitative and ...
    • Local labour market information system: GIS in Belfast 

      Bond, Derek; Hart, Mark; Devine, Paula (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      The evolving urban systems within the United Kingdom have attracted considerable attention, in particular, the changing geography of manufacturing industries at the region/urban level during a period of decline at ...
    • Local registration of title 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1890)
      The object of this paper is to call attention to the leading provisions of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Bill, which was introduced in the House of Commons late last session by Mr. Madden, M.P., the present ...
    • Lord O?Hagan's address, as president of Social Science Congress, Dublin, 3rd October 1881 

      O'Hagan, Thomas (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1885)
      In the year 1861, the Fifth Congress of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science was held in this metropolis. It was a pleasant and a prosperous meeting. There was much of genial hospitality and kindly ...