Now showing items 688-707 of 1604

    • Measurement of tariff levels for Ireland, for 1931, 1936, 1938 

      Ryan, W. J. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1949)
      The object, in the determination of tariff levels, is to express the height of tariffs m terms of a single figure, or index. Before examining the theoretical and statistical problems involved m the construction of such an ...
    • Measurement of UK government output and productivity for the national accounts 

      Atkinson, A. B. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2005)
      The Atkinson Review was commissioned by the UK National Statistician in December 2003 to advance methodologies for the measurement of government output, productivity and associated price indices in the context of National ...
    • Measurement, measures and the millennium - the Society's activities in a long perspective 

      Black, R. D. Collison (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1988)
      "But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists and calculators has succeeded " (Edmund Burke, 1790). Nevertheless, the economists and calculators had begun their work well before the day when Burke made ...
    • Measuring the Economic Impact of Covid-19 in Real Time 

      Lydon, Reamonn (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2020)
      COVID-19 pandemic is a one-in-a-hundred year event. The economic consequences are unlike anything we have seen in modern times, in terms of scale, speed and depth of the shock. Restrictions to prevent the spread of the ...
    • Measuring the economy: problems and prospects 

      Keating, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2001)
      This paper discusses the statistical measurement of economic growth and examines some issues arising in that context. It looks at the treatment of productivity and quality improvements, especially as regards non-market ...
    • Measuring the size of Ireland's black economy 

      Fagan, Gabriel (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1994)
      Official estimates of national income are widely used in economic analysis, particularly in monitoring trends in national output and living standards over time and also in comparing relative income levels across countries. ...
    • Mechanisation and productivity in the linen industry 

      Larmor, Graham (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1955)
      In considering what I have to say to-night, I would like it to be clearly appreciated from the outset that the business of growing and processing flax?its conversion into yarns?their later weaving into linen fabrics?and ...
    • The mechanism of statistics 

      Matheson, Robert E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1893)
      It has fallen to my lot to serve in a Department where every variety of statistical work is to be found, and where the practical problems of how information is to be collected, tabulated, and published at a minimum ...
    • Medical information systems in the health services 

      Harrison, Harold (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1976)
      The Medical Information System administered by the Medico-Social Research Board (HIPE Scheme) has achieved wide acceptance by hospitals since its inception in 1969. The growth of the Information System has been extremely ...
    • Medical inspection of schools and school children 

      Story, J.B. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      There are very great advantages in having the cost of medical inspection provided by a local, and not an Imperial Authority. It will make the former take an interest in, and, I believe, a pride in its schools, which it ...
    • A memoir of the late John Kells Ingram, LL.D. - sometime President of the Society 

      Falkiner, C. Litton (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      In May last, at the first of our meetings which followed Dr. Ingram's lamented death, the President paid a just tribute to the memory of "one of our most distinguished members," and to "the great work which he did for ...
    • Memoir of the late William Neilson Hancock, LL.D., Q.C 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      The President, in his address at the opening of the present session, referred in a few apt and sympathetic words to the loss we had sustained in the death, of our distinguished member, Dr. Hancock. But he and others ...
    • Memoriam: Brendan Walsh 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2016)
      Memoriam: Brendan Walsh - 53rd President of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland (2001-2004) - Born: May 1942 (Dublin); Died: 20th May 2016 (Dublin)
    • Memoriam: Thomas Kenneth Whitaker 

      SSISI (SSISI, 2017)
      Thomas Kenneth (T.K.) Whitaker is generally regarded as the greatest Irish public servant of the twentieth century. A graduate of London University by external study, he was a career civil servant from 1934 to 1969. Appointed ...
    • Meteorology and the community 

      Dixon, F. E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1957)
      Should scientists be subordinate to Civil Servants? Should the scientific services be amalgamated under one Ministry of Applied Science? Is there sufficient liaison between the meteorologists and other scientists, ...
    • The methodology of the Second Programme for Economic Expansion 

      Ryan, W. J. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1964)
      The purpose of the exercise described in this paper was to obtain a profile of the Irish economy in 1970 which reflected the highest growth rate which could be achieved in the light of policy possibilities, the ...
    • Methods of registering and estimating the population of Ireland before 1864 

      Wood, Herbert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      It was suggested to me that a paper on the means of proof of age available in this country would prove of interest to the members of this Society, and I have taken the opportunity of giving a slight sketch of such ...
    • Methods of sampling applied to Irish statistics 

      Geary, R. C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1925)
      As the Society is aware, during the recent troubles the system of complete enumeration of agricultural statistics broke down in this country, and since then it has been necessary to rely on estimates derived from a ...
    • Migration movements and the distribution of population in Eire 

      Freeman, T. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1939)
      The present paper deals only with the Twenty-Six Counties (forming Eire) and the exclusion of Northern Ireland makes the picture given in some ways incomplete. This limitation may not be such a serious defect, for the ...
    • The minimum wage 

      Shields, B. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1934)
      There are many types of minima, which are the outcome of personal negotiations or collective bargaining between employers and employees, and in which training, general skill, special aptitude, intellectual ability, ...