Now showing items 731-750 of 1604

    • National insurance adjudication 

      Sheridan, L. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1956)
      The National Insurance scheme is contained in the National Insurance Act (Northern Ireland), 1946, several amending statutes, and scores of regulations made under all those Acts. Some of the phrases used in the Acts and ...
    • National transport problems 

      Johnston, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1930)
      The object of this Paper is to direct attention to certain important economic facts affecting our transport system, and provide where possible a statistical measurement of those facts. The treatment is neither comprehensive ...
    • The nationalization of the land 

      Shaw, James J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      The questions raised in Mr. George's book, Progress and Poverty, are so many and so large that to discuss them adequately would require a book at least as large as his own. 1 propose to deal this evening only with the main ...
    • The nature and causes of the farm income problem 

      Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
      In the current debate on national economic issues, the very grave situation that exists in the agricultural sector has tended to be regarded as of concern only to the farming community. While the impact of the current ...
    • Nature and functions of an Irish money market 

      Hoare, Thomas F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1970)
      The development of an economy can be usefully regarded as having two aspects. The first is the production and allocation of goods and services and the second is the emergence of a financial system. The financial structure ...
    • The nature of legal sociology 

      Montrose, J. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1955)
      Centuries, whether in cricket or chronology, are arbitrary divisions, but we are conditioned by conventions, and I find it convenient to describe the nineteenth century as giving birth to sociological jurisprudence and ...
    • Necessary changes in industrial relations 

      Hillery, Brian (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1980)
      Industrial relations in Ireland may be characterised as a multiplicity of practices, some good and some bad, but all integrated in so far as they are founded on a set of fundamental principles which are themselves the ...
    • The need for a law of adoption 

      McCabe, E. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1949)
      The practice of adoption is as old as history. It was known to the Babylonians and Greeks, and, coming closer to our own age, we can turn to the omniscient Shakespeare who, in Othello, puts into the lips of the Moor's ...
    • The need for instruction on the duty of the individual to the community 

      Brown, Sparkhall (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1928)
      The historian, who is in the happy position of being wise after the event, can generally put his finger on the particular internal change or changes which led to the collapse of the various ancient communities, and, with ...
    • The need for technical education - with special reference to Saorstat Eireann 

      Clampett, G.J.T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1929)
      Technical Education should offer to all citizens, especially to the young citizens, facilities to obtain instruction in the theory, and to some extent, the practice of whatever trade or calling they intend to adopt or ...
    • Neglected children and neglectful parents 

      Daly, E.D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1898)
      It seems to me quite impossible for those who do not, or who cannot, keep out of sight of the poorer classes, to resist the sad importunity with which the facts of life in our back streets and tenements for ever plead ...
    • The NESC study 

      O'Donnell, Rory, Cahill, Noel, (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2005)
      This paper presents the key findings from a 2004 NESC study on the Irish housing system, Housing in Ireland: Performance and Policy. The paper begins by identifying the anxieties and concerns people have about housing. ...
    • A new fiscal framework for Ireland 

      Lane, Philip R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2010)
      Pro-cyclicality in Irish fiscal policy has contributed to macroeconomic volatility over recent decades. Accordingly, this paper seeks to identify institutional mechanisms that can improve the performance of fiscal policy ...
    • The new Irish banking statistics : a review of conceptual issues and monetary agregates 

      McEvoy, Noel J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      New series of monthly banking statistics were included in the Central Bank of Ireland, Annual Report, Spring 1983. The Bank marked the occasion with a background explanatory article entitled "New Banking Statistics and ...
    • The new local bodies and the new Department of Agriculture and Technical Education and the development of the resources of Ireland 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1900)
      Two classes of bodies have been lately created by the present Government. One class by the Local Government Act of 1898, and the other by the Act which established the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction ...
    • New methods for offenders 

      Molony, Thomas F., Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1940)
      When the Society did me the honour of electing me President 20 years ago I chose as the subject of my address "The Prevention and Punishment of Crime." I pointed out that the four great methods of preventing crime were ...
    • Northern Ireland and EEC membership - an economic perspective 

      McGurnaghan, Michael (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      The question to be asked about the impact of EEC membership for Northern Ireland is: how has a small peripheral regional economy, with an already difficult economic problem and having the lowest income level nationally and ...
    • The Northern Ireland census of population and housing: looking back and looking forward 

      Caven, Norman; Evans, Trevor; Beatty, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
      A census of population and housing, even in a country as small as Northern Ireland, is a major undertaking and much time, effort and resources are devoted to it. At a national level it is the largest single statistical ...
    • Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index: Development of a quarterly output measure for NI 

      Gillan, James; Johnston, Owen; Ganley, Chris (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2013)
      This paper presents the methodology and results of an experimental Composite Economic Index developed by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). The aim of the Index is to provide a short term measure ...
    • The Northern Ireland Economy: Problems and Prospects 

      Fitzgerald, John; Morgenroth, Edgar L.W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2020)
      This paper considers the lacklustre performance of the Northern Ireland economy in recent decades, in particular the very low productivity growth. The low level of human capital and the continued low levels of investment, ...