Now showing items 744-763 of 1604

    • The new Irish banking statistics : a review of conceptual issues and monetary agregates 

      McEvoy, Noel J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      New series of monthly banking statistics were included in the Central Bank of Ireland, Annual Report, Spring 1983. The Bank marked the occasion with a background explanatory article entitled "New Banking Statistics and ...
    • The new local bodies and the new Department of Agriculture and Technical Education and the development of the resources of Ireland 

      Dawson, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1900)
      Two classes of bodies have been lately created by the present Government. One class by the Local Government Act of 1898, and the other by the Act which established the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction ...
    • New methods for offenders 

      Molony, Thomas F., Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1940)
      When the Society did me the honour of electing me President 20 years ago I chose as the subject of my address "The Prevention and Punishment of Crime." I pointed out that the four great methods of preventing crime were ...
    • Northern Ireland and EEC membership - an economic perspective 

      McGurnaghan, Michael (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1984)
      The question to be asked about the impact of EEC membership for Northern Ireland is: how has a small peripheral regional economy, with an already difficult economic problem and having the lowest income level nationally and ...
    • The Northern Ireland census of population and housing: looking back and looking forward 

      Caven, Norman; Evans, Trevor; Beatty, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
      A census of population and housing, even in a country as small as Northern Ireland, is a major undertaking and much time, effort and resources are devoted to it. At a national level it is the largest single statistical ...
    • Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index: Development of a quarterly output measure for NI 

      Gillan, James; Johnston, Owen; Ganley, Chris (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2013)
      This paper presents the methodology and results of an experimental Composite Economic Index developed by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). The aim of the Index is to provide a short term measure ...
    • The Northern Ireland Economy: Problems and Prospects 

      Fitzgerald, John; Morgenroth, Edgar L.W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2020)
      This paper considers the lacklustre performance of the Northern Ireland economy in recent decades, in particular the very low productivity growth. The low level of human capital and the continued low levels of investment, ...
    • The Northern Ireland geographic information system 

      Brand, M.J.D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      The aim of this short paper is to give an introduction to and an overview of the current state of GIS in Northern Ireland. The paper starts with an attempt to give a definition of GIS; this is followed by an overview of ...
    • The Northern Ireland housing trust 

      O'Brien, Lucius (Sir) (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1953)
      The area of Northern Ireland is 5,238 square miles and, of the population of 1,370,000, one-third live in Belfast. Londonderry is the next largest centre with 50,000 inhabitants, and there is then a drop to between ten ...
    • Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures 2017 

      IJpelaar, Jos; Power, Tracy; Green, Brian (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2019)
      Spatial relative deprivation measures have been developed in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. Most recently, the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures 2017 was released last year. Whilst the suite was an update ...
    • The Northern Ireland regional econometric model 

      Jefferson, Clifford W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
      Macroeconometric modelling of regional economies is in its infancy. While national models have been in widespread use in industrialised countries for many years, it is only comparatively recently that econometric models ...
    • The Northern Ireland trade union movement 

      Bleakley, D. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1954)
      Twenty-eight years ago, this Society listened to a paper on Irish trade unionism. Then, the speaker outlined a movement that was trying to adjust itself to vital political changes that had taken place in the life of the ...
    • Note on the operations of some Swiss land banks 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1888)
      IN connection with two papers published in this Journal on Continental Land Banks, the editors permit me to add a note as to the operations of some of these banks for the year 1887.
    • Note on the reduction of the rate of interest since 1870: with some remarks as to the probable amount of encumbrances on Irish land, and the possible fund available for their payment 

      Erck, Wentworth (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      It is evident that capital invested either in mortgage, or in purchase, of land cannot expect to be exempt from the fate of capital invested in other securities. This fate is a steady, progressive, and of late rapid ...
    • Notes as to proceedings of the State Charities' Aid Association of New York 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1876)
      The Fourth Annual Report of the State Charities' Aid Association of New York, bearing date 1st March, 1876, has been received, and it contains information on points that have interested this Society. One object of the ...
    • Notes of a visit to some church lands, where tenants have bought their holdings, and also to other church lands where tenants have not yet bought their holding 

      Shaw Lefevre, George (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
      It has been suggested to me by Dr. Hancock that it may not be without value to the Statistical Society, that I should put on record the notes of a visit which I have paid during my short stay in Ireland to two of the ...
    • Notes on some continental prisons 

      MacDonnell, Hercules (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1886)
      In bringing before this society the subject of prisons, I feel that no apology is required. It is one well suited for full and serious consideration before a society founded for the purpose of discussing social questions. ...
    • Notes on the French system of railways 

      McDonnell, Alexander (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      At the present time, when there is a good deal of interest taken in the question of railways, it appears to me that a short account of the French railway system may be interesting.
    • Notes on the National Economic Councils of Germany and France 

      Mortished, R. J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1929)
      The Saorstat needs at least as much as any other State an organization designed to mobilize all available competences in the service of the State, to make a wide and penetrating review of our economic position and ...
    • Notes on the prices of Irish agricultural produce illustrated by diagrams 

      Barrington, Richard M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1893)
      The paper on this subject I had the honour of reading before the Society, in December, 1886, was based on statistics derived from private sources. The following notes and diagrams are, on the other hand, compiled and ...