Now showing items 963-982 of 1604

    • Poverty problems for a patriot parliament 

      Dunne, John Patrick (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1923)
      When planning the submission of certain suggestions as to Irish social legislation, designed to combat the evil of poverty, I conjectured that when the time arrived for doing so the battle flags would have been furled ...
    • Practical characterology 

      Meredith, James C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1929)
      A paper on Characterology needs some apology, I fear, if it is to be read to a Statistical and Social Inquiry Society such as this. No doubt characterologists are not in quite as unenviable a position as palmists, ...
    • Practical education in our schools 

      Finlay, T.A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      It will be admitted as a fundamental principle that the aim of all education is to fit children to do their duty worthily and successfully in later life. This conception of education covers a wide field. It includes the ...
    • The practice of the Commercial Court 

      Stanuell, Charles A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      I must preface my remarks upon this subject by stating that the Commercial Court to which I allude has no existence in Ireland, and therefore I am at a disadvantage in dealing with a system of judicial procedure with ...
    • Predicting turning points in the rent cycle using the Natural Vacancy Rate ? An applied study of the Dublin office market 

      McCartney, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2011)
      All property markets have a natural vacancy rate (NVR). Theory suggests that when the actual vacancy rate exceeds this NVR the market will be unbalanced. Then, rents will fall to restore equilibrium. Conversely, when ...
    • Preliminary notes on the Census of Population in Northern Ireland, 1937 

      Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1937)
      The second Census of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland was taken on February 28th, 1937. The preliminary figures of that Census have now been published, and it will be of some interest to discover how far they disclose ...
    • The preliminary proceedings in criminal cases in England, Ireland, and Scotland, compared 

      Dodd, William H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
      Readers of newspapers who favour the law intelligence with a cursory glance, will occasionally see the report of an application to the Court of Queen's Bench for a writ of habeas corpus to bring before a coroner's inquest ...
    • The preparation of national school pupils for technical training and industrial life 

      Ryan, Frederick W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1917)
      The recent action of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland instituting an official certificate for pupils leaving the higher standards in Day National Schools makes of practical interest the consideration ...
    • The present position and prospects of political economy: being the introductory address delivered in the Section of Economic Science and Statistics of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      Had I been called upon at any other time to preside over this section, I should have followed the example of most of my predecessors, in selecting as the subject of the discourse which it is usual to deliver from this ...
    • The present position of the national finances 

      Eason, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1888)
      The expenditure and revenue of the United Kingdom have been equalised for the past few years by variations of the income tax. But this simple process can be continued no longer. The growth of expenditure, the adjustment ...
    • The present state of human tuberculosis in Ireland 

      Deeny, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      The objects of this paper are: To give some information on the present state of human tuberculosis in Ireland as determined by certain criteria or indices; To discuss briefly the procedures utilised in the control of human ...
    • The present state of the dwellings of the poor, chiefly in Dublin 

      Jordan, Thomas (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      FOR the last few years considerable attention has been given to the condition of the working classes. One of the most obvious tests of that condition is the state of their dwellings, and as I have daily opportunities ...
    • President's address 

      Findlater, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1892)
      It occurred to me that it might possibly be pleasing both to the members of this society and that portion of the outside public which takes an interest in our proceedings, if in my address I endeavoured to make some ...
    • President's address 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1890)
      The Agricultural Statistics of Ireland were, as you are aware, from my last year's address, first systematically collected in the year 1847, immediately after the famine. They were, like all new undertakings, not as ...
    • President's address at the opening of the twenty-sixth session 

      Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1873)
      My address last year was devoted to a review of the progress made by this country in wealth, and a comparison of her present condition with her past, based upon reliable statistical information: the conclusion at which I ...
    • Prevention and elimination of disease, insanity, drunkenness and crime - a suggestion 

      Osborne, Henry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1895)
      Under the present social system marriage is permitted to persons quite unfit, physically or mentally, to produce sound and healthy offspring; say, rather, quite sure to produce offspring that are sickly and unsound. If ...
    • The prevention and punishment of crime 

      Molony, Thomas F., Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1923)
      I have chosen as the subject of my address "The Prevention and Punishment of Crime," because it is one of interest, not only to lawyers and statisticians, but to every person who loves his country and would like to see ...
    • Price, Size and Density: Dublin Housing in an EU Context 

      Kilgarriff, Paul (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2022)
      The current discussions and analysis around housing in Ireland lack a detailed analysis of the relationship between house size and prices in Ireland. Related to house size is the density of an area. In this paper I contribute ...
    • The prices of some agricultural produce and the cost of farm labour for the last fifty years 

      Barrington, Richard M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1887)
      In venturing to bring before the Statistical Society a few notes on the above subject, I do so with much diffidence, because a matter of such importance at the present time should be dealt with by one who is a master of ...
    • Primary education: with a review of the German, Irish, and English systems 

      Bailey, William F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      In the paper which I would lay before the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society this evening, I have endeavoured to bring under consideration the more important questions which occupy the attention of statesmen and all ...