Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • The Brussels Free Trade Congress and International Association for Customs Reform 

      Hutton, Henry Dix (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      It is not necessary to dwell upon the benefits which must also result from the concentration of the efforts of distinct nations in the prosecution of objects involving the common interests of all; or upon the tendency ...
    • Free trade and protection with reference to Ireland 

      Coffey, George (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1886)
      Some recent conversations on Free Trade and Protection with reference to Ireland, have suggested to me to bring before our Society the following short consideration of the subject. Within the next few years the question ...
    • Free-trade: abolition of customs and excise duties; and a sketch of a simpler and better mode of raising a Revenue 

      Haughton, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      Among those many useful topics to which I have alluded, the discussion of Free-trade, and its partial adoption by us, and other nations, has been attended with many beneficial results. It is my main object in this paper ...
    • Industrial Ireland under free trade 

      Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1917)
      When Ireland, by a determined effort, obtained "FREE TRADE" in 1779, this term meant far more than freedom from- tariff duties, which is the meaning it has today. What the British Acts (20 Geo. III., c. 6, 10, 18) ...
    • Is our commercial depression due to free trade, and would it be relieved by limited protection 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1877)
      It used to be said formerly that after a bad harvest there was sure to be a change of Ministry. In recent times, whenever, through over-speculation or over-trading, the demand for banking accommodation has out-run the ...
    • The linen trade and the customs' duties 

      Donnell, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1870)
      Such, then is the nature of the depression in the linen business, and I propose to show 1st. That for this depression our system of levying taxation by customs' duties is responsible. 2nd. That customs' duties are ...
    • Our foreign commerce and free trade policy 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      In February, 1878,1 read a paper before this Society in defence of our national policy of free trade, which was at that time assailed with some vehemence as the cause of the then prevailing mercantile depression. Since ...
    • The wine duties, with reference to their effects on the commercial relations between the British dominions and France 

      Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In the following paper I propose to lay before you a summary of the history of the wine duties, and of the present condition of the trade, chiefly with reference to our commercial relations with France. Although these ...