A catalogue and index of the publications of the Irish Biogeographical Society (1977-2004)
James P. O’Connor, 'A catalogue and index of the publications of the Irish Biogeographical Society (1977-2004)', Irish Biogeographical Society, 2005-05-01, Occasional Publication of the Irish Biogeographical Society, Number 8Download Item:
Since it was founded in 1975, the Irish Biogeographical Society has amassed a large data-base on the flora and fauna of Ireland. In addition, important papers have been published on the plants and animals of other regions. Occasional Publication Number 8 was designed to facilitate access to this information for 1977-2004. It is provides an easy method of accessing the information contained in Bulletins 1-28. In the catalogue section, the various articles are listed. Each article has been given an unique identifying number in square brackets. In the index section, this number is used for cross reference. The index section also contains a list of the authors who have published articles. All the mentioned volumes are available on edepositIreland.
Irish Biogeographical Society
Author: O’Connor, James P.
Irish Biogeographical SocietyType of material:
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Biodiversity, Irish Biogeographical Society catalogue, Irish Biogeographical Society index, Irish Biogeographical Society publicationsISBN:
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