Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Abstract objects and semantics: An essay on prospects and problems with abstraction principles as a means of justifying reference to abstract objects 

      GNATEK, ZUZANNA (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2020)
      The aim of this thesis is to reconsider the role that abstraction principles play, for neo-Fregeans, in establishing reference to abstract objects, in a way that brings to light both their significance and ...
    • Akrasia: Plato and the limits of Education? 

      SHANAHAN, COLM (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2018)
      In this dissertation I shall argue for the following main claim: (1a) the motivational neutrality of reason. I will show that this concept reveals that, for Plato, (1b) reason is itself a necessary condition of the possibility ...
    • A Kantian Reconciliation of Moral Realism and Moral Supervenience 

      LYONS, MICHAEL (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2018)
      The 'Moral Supervenience' thesis is a deeply intuitive and popular one within philosophy, and can be defined as follows: "There can be no changes in any moral properties without at least some kind of change in non-moral ...
    • A Pragmatic Bishop: George Berkeley's Theory of Causation in De motu 

      Oda, Takaharu (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2022)
      In this doctoral thesis, I will argue that in his De motu (1721, 'On motion'), Bishop George Berkeley (c.1684-1753) develops a pragmatist theory of causation regarding mechanical theories outlined previously with Newtonianism. ...
    • The Relation between the What-It-Is and the Why-It-Is in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, On the Parts of Animals, and Metaphysics 

      GE, TIANQIN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2020)
      In this dissertation, I wish to examine the relation between the what-it-is and the why-it-is in Aristotle’s three treatises. The main conclusions I will defend in this thesis can be formulated as follows. In the Posterior ...
    • Rorty On Religion 

      NUR, ABDULLAH SELMAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Philosophy, 2020)
      This thesis aims to explore Rorty's pragmatic approach to religion and critically engage with it. In the core of this approach lies his distinction between private and public projects, and his plea for the privatization ...