Now showing items 50-68 of 68

    • Peturbative study of the Chirally Rotated Schrödinger Functionality in Lattice QCD 

      Mainar, Pol Vilascea (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2014)
      In this thesis we study the renormalisation and O(a) improvement of the Chirally Rotated Schrödinger Functional (xSF) in perturbation theory. The xSF was originally proposed in [1] as a way of rehabiliting the mechanism ...
    • Pion-pion scattering amplitudes and timelike pion form factor from Nf=2+1 Lattice QCD 

      Hörz, Ben (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2017)
      We study isovector pion-pion scattering and extract the electromagnetic pion form factor in the timelike region from Nf = 2 + 1 Lattice QCD ensembles at a single lattice spacing and two pion masses mπ = 200MeV and mπ = ...
    • Quality improvement using Alexander moves 

      Golden, Darach (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2003)
      The objects under consideration in this work are simplicial meshes. We are interested in the geometric shape of the constituent simplices. This interest is justified by the impact of simplicial shape on the error bounds ...
    • Random sampling and large deviations 

      McGurk, Brian (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2001)
      In this thesis, we are concerned with the effect of randomly sampling a stochastic process. We consider two stochastic processes: the underlying process, {Xt}tεT and the observation process {Tn}nεN, a strictly increasing ...
    • Ranges of bimodule projections and conditional expectations 

      Pluta, Robert (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2011)
      The algebraic theory of comer subrings introduced by Lam (as an abstraction of the properties of Peirce corners eRe of a ring R associated with an idempotent e E R) are investigated here in the context of Banach and ...
    • Resonances and lattice field theory 

      MacMaghnusa, Darran (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2012)
      In this thesis, we look at the extraction of resonance parameters in lattice field theory. In particular we detail two major methods of dealing with resonances and consider them in a perturbative and nonpertnrbative ...
    • Robust layer-resolving methods for various Prandtl problems 

      Butler, John (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2005)
      In this thesis we deal with four Prandtl boundary layer problems for incompressible laminar flow. When the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are large the solution of each problem has parabolic boundary layers. For each problem ...
    • Sigma models of the AdS/CFT correspondence 

      Bykov, Dmitry Vladimirovich (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2011)
      The thesis is dedieated to the investigation of the properties of particular two-dimensional quantum field theories, i.e. sigma-models with target space of the form AdS5 x S5γ and AdS4 x CP3. The main results of the thesis ...
    • Simulated annealing of Skyrme model configurations 

      Magee, Shane (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2006)
      The Skyrme model is a topological field theory that has been shown to be a good low energy approximation to QCD. A particular quantum theoretical treatment of the model reduces the quantization to a finite-dimensional ...
    • Solutions to dilation equations 

      Malone, David (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2001)
      This thesis aims to explore part of the wonderful world of dilation equations. Dilation equations have a convoluted history, having reared their heads in various mathematical fields. One of the early appearances was in the ...
    • Spectral functions from lattice QCD at finite temperature 

      Harris, Tim (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      An investigation of the bottonionium spectrum above and below the QCD deconfinement crossover temperature, Tc, was performed using a non-relativistic treatment of the heavy quark on anisotropic lattices with Nf = 2 + 1 ...
    • Spectroscopy and scattering of mesons containing charm quarks from lattice QCD 

      Moir, Graham (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      We present excited spectra of mesons containing charm-light (D), charm-strange (Ds) and charm-charm (charmoninm) combinations. We perform these spectroscopic calculations on two volumes. 16(3) X 128 and 24(3) x 128, of ...
    • Spike train analysis 

      Cooney, Cathal (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      This thesis focuses on the study of spike trains, the information carrying signals conveyed by neurons in the nervous system. Spiking data from songbirds from [Narayan et al., 2006] was used prominently in this thesis. ...
    • Static-light-light baryons : a spectroscopic study using distillation 

      Mc Elroy, Finnian (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      Over the last decade, hadron spectroscopy in lattice QCD has graduated from calculating single rows of the quark propagation matrix to calculating all elements of the quark propagation matrix - the so-called all-to-all ...
    • String breaking from Lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 dynamical fermions 

      KOCH, VANESSA (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the static potential V (r) is defined as the energy of the ground state of the system containing a static quark and a static antiquark, separated by a distance r. As a consequence of confinement, ...
    • The radiation bound for a Klein-Gordon field on a static spherical spacetime 

      Collins, Michael Patrick (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      We establish a well-posed Cauchy problem in Minkowski (R4, η), associated with a radiating Klein-Gordon field ψ(x) = eztψ(xi), in curvature coordinates {xμ = t, p, θ,Φ} on a static spherically symmetric spacetime (M, g). ...
    • Towards Excited Radiative Transitions in Charmonium 

      O'HARA, CIAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In this thesis lattice QCD is utilised to investigate the spectrum of charmonium and charmed mesons with the aim of working towards investigating radiative transitions between excited states in the charmonium spectrum. ...
    • Yang-Baxter integrable open quantum systems 

      Paletta, Chiara (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2023)
      The main result of this thesis is the use of the boost operator to develop a systematic method to construct new integrable spin chains with nearest-neighbour interaction and characterized by an R-matrix of non-difference ...
    • Yang-Mills instantons on the taub-NUT space and supersymmetric N=2 gauge theories with impurities 

      O'Hara, Clare (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2010)
      We write a formula for arbitrary charge calorons, instantons on R3 x S1, in terms of the Green's function of the Laplacian defined for the Nahm Transform, thus generalising the formula for the charge one caloron derived ...