Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Bespoke Mobile Application Development: Facilitating Transition of Foundation Students to Higher Education 

      PRENDERGAST, MARK; Bermingham, Nevan (IGI Global, 2016)
      Smartphone usage by students has increased rapidly over the last number of years, and it is expected that the utilisation of mobile applications in educational environments will continue to increase. This chapter focuses ...
    • Effective Practices for Helping Students Transition to Work 

      Aston, Desmond; Mc Guckin, Conor; Shevlin, Michael; Kubiak, John (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      People with disabilities have been among the most marginalized groups within society, with consequent limitations imposed on their access to many goods within society, including education, employment, and economic independence. ...
    • Guidance to an Independent Adult Life 

      Aston, Desmond (National Centre for Guidance in Education, 2021)
      In this article, Des Aston of the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID), provides an insightful reflection on Post-School Transitions for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the The ...