Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • An Assessment of Case-Based Reasoning for Spam Filtering 

      Delany, Sarah Jane; Cunningham, Padraig; Coyle, Lorcan (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2004-11)
      Because of the changing nature of spam, a spam filtering system that uses machine learning will need to be dynamic. This suggests that a case-based (memory-based) approach may work well. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a ...
    • A Case-Based Personal Travel Assistant for Elaborating User Requirements and Assessing Offers 

      Coyle, Lorcan; Cunningham, Padraig; Hayes, Conor (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2002-04)
      This paper describes a case-based approach to user profiling in a Personal Travel assistant (based on the 1998 FIPA Travel Scenario). The ap-proach is novel in that the user profile is made up of a set of cases capturing ...
    • A Case-Based Technique for Tracking Concept Drift in Spam Filtering 

      Delany, Sarah Jane; Cunningham, Padraig; Tsymbal, Alexey; Coyle, Lorcan (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2004-08-17)
      Clearly, machine learning techiques can play an important role in filtering spam email because ample training data is available to build a robust classifier. However, spam filtering is a particularly challenging task as ...
    • Exploiting Re-ranking Information in a Case-Based Personal 

      Coyle, Lorcan; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2003)
      Intelligent software assistants are becoming more common in the e-commerce domain. We are working on a personal travel assistant. The goal of this application is to use case based reasoning to assist the user in arranging ...
    • Improving Recommendation Ranking by Learning Personal Feature Weights 

      Coyle, Lorcan; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2004-06-24)
      The ranking of offers is an issue in e-commerce that has received a lot of attention in Case-Based Reasoning research. In the absence of a sales assistant, it is important to provide a facility that will bring suitable ...
    • Making Personalised Flight Recommendations using Implicit Feedback 

      Coyle, Lorcan (University of Dublin, Trinity College. School of Computer Science and Statistics, 2004-10)
      As e-commerce has become more popular, the problem of information overload has come to the fore. Recommender systems that reduce the information overload problem are becoming more common. However, the problem with many ...
    • Representing Cases for CBR in XML 

      Coyle, Lorcan; Hayes, Conor; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2002-11)
      Case Based Reasoning has found increasing application on the Internet as a shopping assistant for e-commerce stores. The strength of CBR in this area stems from its reuse of the knowledge base associated with a particular ...
    • Representing Similarity for CBR in XML 

      Coyle, Lorcan; Doyle, Donal; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2004-07-26)
      As Case-Based Reasoning has matured as a discipline; the need for a standard means of representing case-based knowledge has come to the fore. While proposals exist for representing the vocabulary and the case-base ...