Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Efficient Prediction-Based Validation for Document Clustering 

      Greene, Derek; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2006-05-02)
      Recently, stability-based techniques have emerged as a very promising solution to the problem of cluster validation. An inherent drawback of these approaches is the computational cost of generating and assessing multiple ...
    • Practical Solutions to the Problem of Diagonal Dominance in Kernel Document Clustering 

      Greene, Derek; Cunningham, Padraig (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2006-02-07)
      In supervised kernel methods, it has been observed that the performance of the SVM classifier is poor in cases where the diagonal entries of the Gram matrix are large relative to the off-diagonal entries. This problem, ...
    • Producing Accurate Interpretable Clusters from High-Dimensional Data 

      Greene, Derek; Padraig, Cunningham (Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2005-05-19)
      The primary goal of cluster analysis is to produce clusters that accurately reflect the natural groupings in the data. A second objective that is important for high-dimensional data is to identify features that are ...