Recent Submissions

  • The economic and social implications of demographic change 

    Fahey, Tony; FitzGerald, John D.; Maitre, Bertrand (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    This Society was founded in the midst of the population crisis caused by the Famine. No crisis on the scale of the Famine occurred again in the Society?s history, but various forms of demographic ?weakness?, such as high ...
  • Education and economic performance in the OECD countries: an elusive relationship? 

    Martin, John P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    One of the most common political mantras to-day is that education is the handmaiden of economic growth and prosperity. Politicians like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair constantly trumpet the need to invest in education and ...
  • Symposium on the economic returns to education 

    Walsh, Brendan M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    In my contribution to this Symposium I wish to explore two main themes. The first deals with the contribution of education to economic growth at the macro level. In this part I shall discuss the evidence of the importance ...
  • Symposium on the economic returns to education 

    Hyland, Aine (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    The Second Programme for Economic Expansion, published in 1963, was the first public acknowledgement by the Irish government that expenditure on education was an investment in the nation?s future. It was to be many years ...
  • Foreword by Professor Dermot McAleese on the occasion of his presidential address 

    McAleese, Dermot (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    This is a good year to be celebrating the 150th anniversary of our Society! The Irish economy continues to boom and prospects remain bright. At first many were sceptical about the Celtic Tiger (as Morgan Stanley christened ...
  • The Northern Ireland census of population and housing: looking back and looking forward 

    Caven, Norman; Evans, Trevor; Beatty, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    A census of population and housing, even in a country as small as Northern Ireland, is a major undertaking and much time, effort and resources are devoted to it. At a national level it is the largest single statistical ...
  • Profits and wages in Ireland, 1987-1996 

    Lane, Philip R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    A striking feature of the Irish economic resurgence since 1987 has been a major factor income shift away from labour and towards capital. (The profit share has increased from 25.1 per cent in 1987 to 34.8 per cent in 1996.) ...
  • The development of official Irish statistics 

    Linehan, T. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    The trail of the development of and responsibility for Official Statistics that I am following in this presentation starts effectively from the Larcom involvement in the 1841 Census of Population (Section 2) and leads to: ...
  • Inflation in Ireland: theory and evidence 

    Kenny, Geoff; McGettigan, Donal (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    The purpose of this paper is to address some important questions surrounding the determinants of Irish inflation. As a backdrop, the international theoretical literature on inflation is selectively reviewed, with a view ...
  • Implications for public policy 

    Joyce, Jimmy (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful to the Society for inviting me to make a contribution to your meeting. My contribution takes the form of some random, but I hope fairly provocative, thoughts on pension related matters. ...
  • Implications for public policy 

    Hughes, Gerard (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    The Department of Social Welfare and the Pensions Board commissioned the ESRI to undertake a national survey of pension coverage in 1995. The survey shows that only half of all employees at work are covered by an ...
  • Implications for public policy 

    Vaughan, Anne (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    I would like to thank the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland for inviting me to present a paper at this symposium on Pensions. It is certainly a period of great discussion and debate on pensions and is a ...
  • Reconceptualising families in the EU: changes in demography, households and the allocation of care 

    DREW, EILEEN PATRICIA (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    This paper charts the demographic changes characterising the last three decades, which have resulted in a diversity of family forms. It marks the magnitude of some of these changes, the exceptions to general patterns and ...
  • The Society and its contribution to Ireland: past, present and future 

    Daly, Mary E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    'The one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland is a time to take stock, to remember the Society?s past'. - [p.1 (orig. p.33)] '...It is important to note ...
  • Economic policy and performance: the Irish experience 

    McAleese, Dermot (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
    This year we celebrate not just the 150th anniversary of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland (SSISI). The session 1997-98 also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the founding of the European Community, ...
  • Standards of competition in the Irish economy 

    Fingleton, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    This paper argues that the Irish economy is characterised by high levels of industrial concentration and weak competition. Competition rules introduced in 1991 and strengthened in 1996 have had a significant effect in ...
  • Demand analysis in Irish tourism 

    Walsh, Mary (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
    This paper attempts to test conventionally believed hypotheses on a body of relevant data. The study is primarily based on examining the nature of Irish export tourism demand from four of its main generating countries: ...
  • Aspects of foreign direct investment in Irish manufacturing since 1973: policy and performance 

    Ruane, Frances; Gorg, Holger (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)

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