Recent Submissions

  • The Leaving Certificate and first year university performance 

    Moran, M. A.; Crowley, M. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1979)
    The manner in which students are admitted for third level education and in particular the points system have become matters of increasing public controversy in recent years. While the subject is understandably emotive, a ...
  • Some aspects of labour costs and earnings: 1974 and 1975 

    Geoghegan, Brian; Frain, Patrick F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1979)
    Since 1975 the Central Statistics Office has conducted two special surveys concerned with total labour costs ? one covering certain parts of the services sector and the other covering the industrial sector. A further survey ...
  • Social policy and income adequacy in the Republic of Ireland: the importance of social class and family cycle 

    Rottman, David B.; Hannan, Damian F.; Wiley, Miriam M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1981)
    This paper is intended to stand as part of the growing literature on income distribution in the Republic of Ireland. Specifically, it builds on previous work concerned with the description and analysis of the impact of ...
  • A food and nutritional surveillance system for Ireland 

    Kelly, A.; Kevany, J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1981)
    The need for a national food and nutrition policy is increasingly recognised by governments of developed as well as developing societies. Such policies represent an agreed strategy for the most efficient use of national ...
  • Company tax - effective tax rates on profits 

    Stewart, J. C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1981)
    Considerable controversy surrounds the measurement of profit in company accounts. Continuous inflation has underlined some of the problems involved. Current accounting practice in the United Kingdom and Ireland also obscures ...
  • The measurement of market concentration in Irish banking 

    Kinsella, R. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1981)
    This paper analyses the market structure of Irish banking, with particular reference to market concentration. While it is generally recognised that the Irish banking system is relatively highly concentrated there have been ...
  • Co-responsibility and the future of Irish agriculture 

    Sheehy, S. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
    Since its institution the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been under continuous attack (Fennell, 1973). In recent years the criticism has centred around the budgetary cost of the policy (Hayes, 1979). The cost was ...
  • The nature and causes of the farm income problem 

    Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
    In the current debate on national economic issues, the very grave situation that exists in the agricultural sector has tended to be regarded as of concern only to the farming community. While the impact of the current ...
  • The flow of funds 1972-1977 

    Honohan, Patrick; Dunne, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
    Corresponding to the existence of financial assets there is the phenomenon of saving and dissaving, of financial surpluses and deficits. We may say that whenever an economic agent spends, over a certain period, more than ...
  • Profit sharing for Ireland? 

    Geary, R. C.; Dempsey, M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
    Profit sharing (PS) may be defined as an agreement between an employer and workers to pay a share of the profits or wealth created by the organisation, in addition to wages and direct incentives. It is a recognition of the ...
  • The behavioural characteristics of the model-80 model of the Irish economy 

    FitzGerald, John D.; Keegan, Owen (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
    For as long as governments have had the inclination or capability to influence economic events they have based their policies on their beliefs and prejudices as to how the economy works. These beliefs and prejudices ...
  • A concept of industrial development in the 1980s 

    White, Padraic A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
    I welcome the opportunity to speak under the auspices of such a distinguished forum as the Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. My first introduction to the Society was through the well thumbed volumes of its ...
  • Estimating quarterly national accounts 

    O'Reilly, Liam (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
    This paper contains estimates of quarterly national accounts for Ireland for the period 1963 to 1977. It summarises the work in this area so far completed in the Research Department in the Central Bank of Ireland. In the ...
  • Employment creation and unemployment problems in Ireland in the 1980s 

    O'Connor, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
    The purpose of this paper is to look at the development of employment and unemployment patterns in the state in recent years, to consider the numbers which will be coming on the labour market over the coming decade and to ...
  • A profile of the demographic and labour force characteristics of the population: sample analysis of the 1981 census of population 

    Garvey, Donal (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
    A detailed Census of Population was taken on 5th April, 1981. This continued a long tradition in Ireland of taking a Census in years ending " 1 " , extending back to 1821 and broken only in the 1921 to 1941 period. While ...
  • Road freight transport in Ireland, 1980 

    Geoghegan, Brian; Brady, G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1983)
    In the last quarter of 1979 a continuous sample survey of road freight transport activity was initiated by the CSO. This paper examines the methodology of the survey and provides an analysis of some of the results for 1980, ...