Now showing items 775-794 of 920

    • The distribution and redistribution of income in the republic-of-ireland 

      Oconnell, Pj (Economic & Social StudiesDUBLIN, 1982)
      Precis: This study analyses the pattern of taxes paid and benefits received by a sample of households in 1973, classified both according to income range and to household composition. The study compares the distribution of ...
    • The distribution of power in Dail-Eireann 

      Seidmann, DJ (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1987)
      How powerful is the current government relative to its recent predecessors? We compute Shapley values for the recent Daileanna, and show that the current government is much stronger than the minority administrations of ...
    • The distribution of productivity in Irish manufacturing between 1995 and 2004 : determinants, changes and implications 

      Haller, Stefanie A. (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2008)
      Using plant level data from the Irish Census of Industrial Production, this paper documents the extent of the productivity spread in Irish manufacturing industries and its determinants. It looks at changes in the distribution ...
    • The distributional effects of Value Added Tax in Ireland 

      Leahy, Eimear; Lyons, Sean; TOL, RICHARD S. J. (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2011)
      In this paper we examine the distributional effects of Value Added Tax (VAT) in Ireland. Using the 2004/2005 Household Budget Survey, we assess the amount of VAT that households pay as a proportion of weekly disposable ...
    • The distributional impact of a carbon tax in Ireland 

      Verde, Stefano F.; TOL, RICHARD S. J. (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2009)
      We study the effects of carbon taxation and revenue recycling across the income distribution in Ireland. Price changes of fuels and all other final goods and services are taken into account. If applied only to the emissions ...
    • The economic consequences of the Doha Round for Ireland 

      Matthews, Alan; Walsh, Keith (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2006)
      This paper provides a quantitative study of the economic effects of a stylised simulation of trade liberalisation for Ireland using the GTAP model. The experiment incorporates the liberalisation of agricultural, manufacturing ...
    • The effect of attendance on grade for first year economics students in University College Cork 

      Kirby, Ann; McElroy, Brendan (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2003)
      This paper examines the relationship between attendance and grade, controlling for other factors, in first year economics courses in University College Cork. Determinants of both class attendance and grade are specified ...
    • The effect of collective-bargaining on earnings in Northern Ireland in 1973 

      Harris, RID; Wass, VJ (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1987)
      This paper uses data from the New Earnings Survey to see if trade unions secure relatively higher wages for those workers covered by collectively bargained agreements. A standard econometric model is used, and our results ...
    • The effect of current income on aggregate consumption 

      Chakrabarty, Manisha; Schmalenbach, Anke (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2002)
      Using the statistical distributional approach of aggregation by Hildenbrand and Kneip (1999, 2002), this paper attempts to find out to what extent current labour income can explain the relative change in aggregate consumption ...
    • The Effect of REFIT on Irish Wholesale Electricity Prices 

      Devitt, Conor; Malaguzzi Valeri, Laura (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2011)
      This paper evaluates the likely effect of REFIT, the Irish scheme to support renewable electricity generation, on the wholesale price of electricity. The cost of REFIT is passed on to Irish consumers. Here we calculate ...
    • The effect of technology choice on automobile assembly plant productivity 

      Van Biesebroeck, Johannes (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2002)
      Productivity growth is usually represented by a continuous shift of the production or cost function. In the automobile industry, there is evidence of a more discrete change in the technology. I estimate a structural model ...
    • The effects of EMU on the Finnish economy: some early conjectures 

      Tarkka, Juha (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2002)
      This paper analyses the convergence of the Finnish economy to the monetary policy regime of the EMU. We review the expectations on the effects of EMU membership which prevailed before the union was established, and compare ...
    • The Effects of Foreign Aid in Sub-Saharan 

      Gillanders, Robert (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2016)
      This paper contributes to the aid effectiveness debate by applying a vector autoregression model to a panel of Sub-Saharan African countries. This method avoids the need for instrumental variables and allows one to analyse ...
    • The emergence of the entrepreneurial society 

      Audretsch, David B. (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2009)
      The topic of my talk today is what I term the entrepreneurial society or the emergence of the entrepreneurial society, which suggests that something has changed. The Director and I were speaking on the way here about the ...
    • The European context of Ireland?s economic crisis 

      Dellepiane Avellaneda, Sebastian; Hardiman, Niamh (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2010)
      The current economic crisis has hit all European countries hard, but some are more severely affected than others. The problems manifest in European peripheral countries that are also members of the Eurozone, that is, ...
    • The European Monetary System - lessons from Europe and perspectives in Europe 

      Giavazzi, Francessco (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      In the debate that surrounds the proposals for a reform of the international monetary system the EMS experience is often referenced. These frequent references to the EMS have lacked so far a review of the system aimed at ...
    • The evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy and social differentiation in rural Ireland 

      Crowley, Ethel (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2003)
      This paper investigates the contribution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to the process of social differentiation in contemporary rural Ireland. It traces the evolution of the CAP from its inception in 1962, and ...
    • The exchange rate as an adjustment mechanism: a structural VAR approach to the case of Ireland 

      Hodson, Dermot (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2003)
      Ireland?s participation in stage three of Economic and Monetary Union precludes exchange rate adjustment in response to asymmetric shocks. A Structural VAR model is used to decompose the effects of asymmetric supply, demand ...
    • The expectations hypothesis of the term structure: the case of Ireland 

      Cuthbertson, Keith; Bredin, Don (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2000)
      Using a number of short-term maturities and monthly data, 1984-1997, we provide a number of tests of the expectations hypothesis (EH) of the term structure. The paper draws on cointegration techniques and the methodological ...
    • The free electricity allowance and the Engel curve 

      Conniffe, Denis (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 2000)
      In 1994 over 18 per cent of Irish households possessed a free electricity allowance. This creates complications in using the 1994-95 Household Budget Survey to estimate an Engel curve for electricity expenditure. Ignoring ...