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dc.contributor.authorHayes, Noirin
dc.identifier.citationNoirin Hayes, Children?s Rights - Whose Right? A Review of Child Policy Development in Ireland,en
dc.description.abstractChildren?s Rights - Whose Right? A Review of Child Policy Development in Ireland reviews the position of children in contemporary Irish society and their emergence as a group inpolicy-making. Thestudy finds that a reactive, welfare approach to child policy dominates. This approach perpetuates the view of the child as a passive dependent in need of protection rather than an active agent and bearer ofrights. Ireland ratified the UN Conventionon the Rights of the Child in 1992. The paper argues that this presents Irish policy-makers with a valuable organizational framework to foreground children?s issues within a rights-based context. It presents recommendations for action in the area of governance with respect to children, the protection and promotion of children?s rights and the participation of children in matters affecting them.en
dc.publisherTrinity College Dublinen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudies in Public Policy;9
dc.subjectPublic Policyen
dc.subjectChildren's rightsen
dc.titleChildren?s Rights - Whose Right? A Review of Child Policy Development in Irelanden

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