Now showing items 1-10 of 88
Action plan for increasing Traveller participation in higher education 2019-2021 : an initiative under the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2021
(Department of Education and Skills, 2019-11-26)
Mapping civic engagement within higher education in Ireland
(AISHE ; CampusEngage, 2007)
Numbers of Students with Disabilities Studying in Higher Education in Ireland 2016/17
(AHEAD Educational Press, East Hall, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, 2018-02)
Inter-Universities Retention Network : A submission to the OECD Review Team on the Irish Higher Education system in Irish universities
(University of Limerick, 2004-01)
How Equal? : Access to higher education in Ireland, research papers
(National Office for Equity of Access to Higher Education, Higher Education Authority, 2013-11)
National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2019
(Higher Education Authority, 2015-12)
Letter from Ruairi Quinn, T.D., Minister for Education and Skills to Mr John Hennessy, Chair, Higher Education Authority, 30th May 2013
(Office of the Minister for Education and Skills, 2013-05-30)
Higher Education System Performance Institutional and Sectoral profiles 2012-13
(Higher Education Authority, 2015-11)
Higher Education System Performance : Institutional and Sectoral Profiles 2012-13
(Higher Education Authority, 2015-11)
Higher Education Access / Foundation Courses : A research report
This review of higher education access/foundation course provision was commissioned by a group representing Higher Education Institutions that deliver access courses, the Irish Universities Association (IUA), the Institutes ...