Now showing items 1-6 of 6
A designated centre for people with disabilities operated by Health Service Executive, Westmeath
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2015-04)
A designated centre for people with disabilities operated by Health Service Executive, Westmeath
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2015-03)
A designated centre for people with disabilitiesoperated by Health Service Executive, Westmeath
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2016-06)
Retreat Nursing Home, Loughandonning, Bonnavalley, Athlone, Westmeath.
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2014-11)
A designated centre for people with disabilities operated by Dundas Ltd., Meath
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2014-07)
Sacred Hearts Nursing Home, Roslea Road, Clones, Monaghan.
(Health Information and Quality Authority, 2016-01)