Now showing items 1-20 of 21085

    • Ballyallia Lough SPA 004041 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Corofin Wetlands SPA 004220 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Lough Fern SPA 004060 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Kilcolman Bog SPA 004095 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Lough Oughter Complex SPA 004049 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Four Roads Turlough SPA 004140 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Lough Croan Turlough SPA 004139 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Lough Sheelin SPA 004065 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01)
    • Hook Head SAC 000764 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01-17)
    • Codling Fault Zone SAC 003015 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01-14)
    • West Connacht Coast SAC 002998 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01-17)
    • Belgica Mound Province SAC 002327 

      Long, Maria; Heaslip, Colin (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, ireland, 2025-01-17)
    • Final Business Case - Next Generation Ticketing : Implementation of NGT Solution in the Greater Dublin Area 

      National Transport Authority, Ireland; KPMG International (National Transport Authority, ireland, 2025-01-22)
      Next Generation Ticketing (NGT) is the National Transport Authority’s (NTA) project to transform and modernise the system for ticketing and payments on Irish public transport. NGT aims to transition to an Account-Based ...
    • Strategic Infrastructure Development 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021-02)
      This guide provides information on what is strategic infrastructure development and the process. If you want to make an observation on a current strategic infrastructure development case, you can read our Making an observation ...
    • Making an observation on a Strategic Infrastructure Development application 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021-12)
      This guide provides information on how you can give your written comments to An Bord Pleanála on a Strategic Infrastructure Development application case. When you give your comments, you are said to be making an observation ...
    • Making an observation on a Strategic Housing Development application : Members of the public 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021-12)
      This guide provides information on how you can give your written comments to An Bord Pleanála on a Strategic Housing Development application case. When you give your comments, you are said to be making an observation or a ...
    • Making an Observation on a planning appeal 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021-12)
      This guide provides information on how to make an observation on a valid planning appeal. You can send us your observation using the Observation on a Planning Appeal Form. You can find it on our website or ...
    • Scéim Teanga An Bhord Pleanála 2021 go dtí 2024 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021)
    • An Bord Pleanála : Annual Report and Accounts 2020 

      Walsh, Dave; Hill, Bríd (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2021-06-30)
    • An Bord Pleanála : Fees and charges 

      Bord Pleanála (An Bord Pleanála, ireland, 2020-06)
      This guide lists the fees and charges that are paid to An Bord Pleanála for: • Planning appeal cases • Strategic infrastructure development cases • Strategic housing development cases • Building Control Act cases • ...