Now showing items 2-8 of 8

    • EMS 10th anniversary issue - introduction 

      Moore M (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      The European Community is frequently accused of being short on tangible achievements. Consequently, it seemed obvious to the editors of the Review that the 10th anniversary of the EMS was an occasion worthy of note. The ...
    • IMS, EMS, and the (n-1) problem 

      Claassen, Emil-Maria (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      Three types of exchange rate regimes predominate the present international monetary system (IMS): the managed float by industrialised countries, a fixed but adjustable peg inside the European Monetary System (EMS), and in ...
    • Is the EMS a DM zone - evidence from the realignments 

      Honohan, P; McNellis, P (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      Most analysis of the relative importance of different countries in the EMS has focused on the interaction of monetary policies. This paper addresses more directly the interdependence of exchange markets. Guided by the ...
    • Price determination in Ireland - effects of changes in exchange-rates and exchange-rate regimes 

      Callan, Tim; Fitzgerald, John (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      This paper finds that the wholesale price of Irish manufacturing output is closely tied to foreign prices in the long run; domestic wage costs generally do not exert a significant influence. In the short run changes in ...
    • Real exchange-rates, co-integration and purchasing power parity - Irish experience in the EMS 

      Thom, R (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      Dickey-Fuller and Co-Integration techniques are used to test the hypothesis that co-movements in Irish nominal exchange rates and relative prices are consistent with the implications of Purchasing Power Parity. The data ...
    • The achievements of the European Monetary System 

      Artis, Michael J.; Taylor, Mark P. (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      This paper attempts to provide some answers to a number of related questions: Has the EMS reduced (real or nominal, bilateral or effective) exchange rate volatility? If so, has this been at the expense of increased interest ...
    • The European Monetary System - lessons from Europe and perspectives in Europe 

      Giavazzi, Francessco (Economic & Social StudiesDublin, 1989)
      In the debate that surrounds the proposals for a reform of the international monetary system the EMS experience is often referenced. These frequent references to the EMS have lacked so far a review of the system aimed at ...