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dc.contributor.authorBaker, T
dc.contributor.authorRoss, M
dc.identifier.citationT Baker, M Ross, 'Changing regional pattern in ireland', Economic and Social Research Institute, Economic and Social Review, Vol.1 (Issue 2), 1970, 1970, pp155-165
dc.description.abstractDraw a line down the Shannon, bend and extend it to the north east to include Longford and the Ulster counties, add Kerry and perhaps West Cork, and one obtains the traditional dividing line of Ireland. 'The West', the counties to the west and north of the line, are poor, if one is thinking in social terms, or underdeveloped, if one is thinking in economic terms. By implication, the counties to the south and east of the line are relatively rich, and relatively developed. This division is part of the received wisdom of the country. Many economic and social analysts, including one of the authors of this note, have worked within its framework. The line, with or without slight modifications, is even embodied in legislation. Work recently published by the other of the present authors, however, joins with commonsense observation to cast doubt on whether this division is still valid. It therefore seems an appropriate time to study the available evidence to see how far the traditional division of counties holds good, in what way the situation has changed in recent years, and, if there has been a change, what are its implications in terms of analytical approaches to regional problems and policy decisions on regional matters.
dc.publisherEconomic & Social Studies
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEconomic and Social Review
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.1 (Issue 2), 1970
dc.subjectRegional diversification
dc.titleChanging regional pattern in ireland
dc.typeJournal Article

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