The RTB was established in 2004 on foot of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). The RTB is an agency of Government with statutory powers. The central role of the RTB is to support the rental housing market and to resolve cheaply and speedily disputes between landlords and tenants, affording protection to both parties without having to resort to the Courts

As a statutory body, the RTB is responsible for the operation of a national registration system for all private residential tenancies and for all tenancies provided in the Approved Housing Body Sector. These are generally social rented tenancies provided by not for profit housing providers, often referred to as housing associations. One of the core functions of the RTB is also to provide for both tenants and landlords, a timely and cost effective dispute resolution service. As well as this the RTB publishes the rent index for private rented accommodation, disseminate information, carries out research and offers policy advice regarding the rental housing sector.

The organisation’s mandate is clearly defined by the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 (Section 151)

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