Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Climate data for use in building design - Past and Future weather files for overheating risk assessment 

      Griffin, Seánie; Mateus, Carla; Lambkin, Keith (Met Éireann, ireland, 2023-03-30)
      The climate of Ireland is changing. Consequently, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage funded this project to update ‘Climate maps and data to support building design standards in Ireland’. The motivation ...
    • Distribution of driving rain in Ireland 

      Mateus, Carla; Coonan, Barry (Met Éireann, ireland, 2024-09)
      The climate of Ireland is changing. Consequently, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage funded this project to update 'climate maps and data to support building design standards in Ireland'. The motive ...
    • Isothermal maps of maximum and minimum shade air temperatures in Ireland 

      Mateus, Carla; Coonan, Barry (Met Éireann, ireland, 2022-11-18)
      The climate of Ireland is changing. Consequently, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage funded this project to update 'Climate maps and data to support building design standards in Ireland'. This research ...
    • Isothermals maps of the lowest 10cm soil temperature in Ireland 

      Mateus, Carla; Coonan, Barry (Met Éireann, ireland, 2022-11-18)
      The climate of Ireland is changing. Consequently, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage funded this project to update 'Climate maps and data to support building design standards in Ireland'. The aim ...
    • Snow loadings at 100m above mean sea level in Ireland 

      Mateus, Carla; Coonan, Barry (Met Éireann, ireland, 2022-11-18)
      The climate of Ireland is changing. Consequently, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage funded this project to update 'Climate maps and data to support building design standards in Ireland'. The ...