Now showing items 131-150 of 290

    • Identification and interpretation of figurative language with computational semantic models 

      Gerow, Aaron (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2014)
      This thesis is about the automatic extraction of metaphors as they appear in English text. This task is important to research in information retrieval, corpus linguistics and computational linguistics. The work was ...
    • Identifying and interpreting context on the Web : an application-driven approach 

      Kelleher, Daniel (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2008)
      This work describes the use of contextual information in Web document processing. Contextual information is defined as the contents of a 'context set' of a document of interest on the Web. The context set of a document is ...
    • Identifying translation effects in English natural language text 

      Lynch, Gerard (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2013)
      With the rise in popularity of applying machine learning methods to problems in textual stylometry, the increased availability of machine-readable corpora and the emerging benefits of research on corpora of translated text ...
    • Improved optimisation of density forecasting models using multi-objective search with applications in risk management 

      Carney, Michael (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2007)
      Density forecasting is becoming an increasingly popular method of prediction. Density forcasting models produce a probability density function estimate of a future event rather than a standard point estimate. Given that ...
    • Improving parallelism through communication, partitioning and load balancing optimizations 

      Muralidharan, Servesh (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2016)
      Multi-core processors have been of great importance for the increase in performance of high-end computing in the last decade. This thesis focuses on several bottlenecks of parallel applications that utilize these next-generation ...
    • Improving pervasive application behaviour with other users' information 

      Spence, Michael (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2012)
      The behavior of a pervasive application is much improved with access to accurate, relevant information describing the situation of the application's user. Unfortunately, sensor failure, sensor drift, and device mobility ...
    • Influencing user perception using real-time adaptive abstraction 

      Redmond, Niall (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2010)
      Real-time applications such as games, medical or technical visualisations and urban simulations can often be highly complex in nature. This can lead to too much visual data being presented to the user at once, which can ...
    • Infogrid : a relational approach to grid computing 

      Lyttleton, Oliver (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2008)
    • Integrated Intra-HAN and Inter-HAN service interoperability 

      Etzioni, Zohar (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2011)
      In recent years the Home Area Network (HAN) has been going through a revolution. From enabling multiple desktops in the household to share an Internet connection, it evolved as a service-oriented platform, enabling devices ...
    • Interaction-based information retrieval in multimodal, online, artefact-focused meeting recordings 

      Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2007)
      Traditional search operations, topic detection or summarisation of meeting recordings are generally performed using segmentation and indexing techniques originally developed in the field of Multimedia Information Retrieval. ...
    • Interactive manycore photon mapping 

      Fabianowski, Bartosz (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2011)
    • Interheap GC 

      Dardis, Simon (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2015)
      Garbage collection is the automation of memory management for computer programs. It is an important feature of both the Java and .NET environments, and it is a key component of the runtime system for many high level language ...
    • Intrinsic and extrinsic component evaluation in interactive multilingual speech applications 

      Schneider, Anne H. (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2012)
      Due to the steady progress in technology, together with the rapid increase of powerful mobile devices, the use of voice interfaces and other speech enabled technologies has invaded our every day lives. Today people talk ...
    • Intuitive human centric governance of pervasive computing environments 

      O'Donnell, Anthony (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2007)
      Pervasive computing proposes that in the future, human beings will be immersed in a technology rich environment, where computing power will be embedded in devices all around us. This thesis examines how such technology ...
    • k-NN approach for classifying semantic roles via Tai-mapping projections 

      Franco-Penya, Hector-Hugo (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2013)
      Semantic role labelling (SRL) is the task of labelling text with a semantic notation in order to identify who did what? When? How? Etc. Once the text is labelled; that information can be used to solve a multitude of other ...
    • KAFCA : knowledge autonomy for reactive context-aware applications 

      O'Connor, Neil (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2010)
      Pervasive computing represents a vision of networked computers being distributed throughout our everyday environment in order to transparently provide services to people. The use of sensors enables the deployment of so-called ...
    • Keeping connected in care : development of technology to stimulate social interaction among older people in care facilities 

      McDonnell, Ronan (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2012)
      Care settings for older people, such as nursing homes, can have low levels of social engagement. Social interaction has been shown in many studies as being crucial to both the mental and physical well-being of older adults. ...
    • Key challenges in the current TB & HIV information system in South Africa : a case study in Khayelitsha, Western Cape 

      Koivu, Annariina (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2015)
      South Africa has one of the most serious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) / and tuberculosis (TB) epidemics in the world, with high incidence, prevalence and co-infection rates. Information is at the heart of managing ...
    • A Knowledge-Light Mechanism for Explanation in Case-Based Reasoning 

      Doyle, Donal (University of Dublin, Trinity College. Department of Computer Science, 2005-10)
      Decision support systems are currently achieving higher classification accuracies by using more complex reasoning mechanisms. Examples of such mechanisms include support vector machines and neural networks. However in ...
    • Language support for communicating transactions 

      Spaccasassi, Carlo (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2016)
      In the context of databases, a transaction is a sequence of data operations that are executed atomically and in isolation: either all operations are executed or none is; and their effects are visible to the environment ...