Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Social Inclusion Monitor 2012
(Department of Social Protection. Social Inclusion Division, 2014-09)
The purpose of the Social Inclusion Monitor is to report officially on progress towards the national social target for poverty reduction - to reduce consistent poverty to 4 per cent by 2016 and to 2 per cent or less by ...
Technical Paper on Poverty Transitions in Ireland : An Analysis of the longitudinal Central Statistics Office (CSO) Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC), 2004-2015
(Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Social Inclusion Division, 2017-12-07)
Constructing a Food Poverty Indicator for Ireland using the Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2004-2010
(Department of Social Protection. Social Inclusion Division, 2012-10)
Poverty Dynamics of Social Risk Groups in the EU: an analysis of the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, 2005 to 2014
(Department of Social Protection. Social Inclusion Division, ESRI, 2018-01-31)
Technical Paper on the Measure of Basic Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Ireland
(Department of Social Protection. Social Inclusion Division, 2021-10-28)