Now showing items 21-37 of 37

    • The Macro-economic Impact of Changing the Rate of Corporation Tax 

      The size and importance of the market services sector within the Irish economy has increased dramatically since the mid 1990s and the sector now accounts for a significant share of overall exports. The rise in output and ...
    • Merger Control in Ireland: Too Many Unnecessary Merger Notifications? 

      GORECKI, PAUL K. (ESRI, 18/04/2011)
      The market for corporate control plays an important role in ensuring that assets are deployed in an efficient and effective manner. However, on occasion, mergers might lead to a reduction in competition and a consequent ...
    • Pharmaceuticals Delivery in Ireland. Getting a Bigger Bang for the Buck 

      The recommendations contained in this report are designed to ensure that taxpayers get better value for money from the ?1.9 billion public pharmaceutical budget, but also that the cash paying patients benefits too. ...
    • A profile of financial incentives to work in Ireland 

      Savage, Michael; Callan, Tim; Walsh, John R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Statistical Society of Ireland, 2015)
      Tax and benefit systems have to strike a balance between the goals of providing an adequate safety-net income to those who need it and maintaining adequate incentives to take up employment and to increase earnings. Ireland ...
    • Public Policy Towards the Sale of State Assets in Troubled Times: Lessons from the Irish Experience 

      TOL, RICHARD S. J.; GORECKI, PAUL K.; LYONS, SEAN (ESRI, 10/10/2010)
      Governments throughout the western world and beyond are in the midst of a severe financial crisis and emerging from a sharp recession. Ireland is no exception. One of the options for strengthening public finances is the ...
    • The Research Output of Business Schools and Business Scholars in Ireland 

      TOL, RICHARD S. J. (ESRI, 2010)
      The research performance of business scholars on the island of Ireland is evaluated based on their number of publication, number of citations, h-index and the same divided by the numbers of years since the first publication. ...
    • Restoring Credibility in Policy Making in Ireland 

      This paper first considers the origins of the Irish economic crisis. It discusses where the policy failures occurred, to what extent they were foreseeable, and how certain key financial institutions performed in the run ...
    • Revising Merger Guidelines: Lessons from the Irish Experience 

      GORECKI, PAUL K. (ESRI, 07/03/2011)
      Competition authorities typically issue Merger Guidelines setting out the framework within which merger assessment is conducted. Ireland is no exception. The Competition Authority is currently in the process of revising ...
    • Selling State Assets: Three Options 

      Under the EU/IMF Programme for Financial Support for Ireland, the government undertook to consider the potential for disposing of State assets. In the 2011 Programme for Government a target of up to ?2 billion was set for ...
    • Simulating Demand for Electrical Vehicles using Revealed Preference Data 

      LYONS, SE?N (2012)
      We have modelled the market for new cars in Ireland with the aim of quantifying the values placed on a range of observable car characteristics. Mid-sized petrol cars with a manual transmission sell best. Price and perhaps ...
    • A Social Portrait of People with Disabilities in Ireland 

      WATSON, DOROTHY (Department of Social Protection and ESRI, 2011)
      This report ? A Social Portrait of People with Disabilities in Ireland ? examines the circumstances of people with disabilities in Ireland. It is one of a series of Social Portraits on vulnerable groups in Ireland commissioned ...
    • The Structural Balance for Ireland 

    • Tax, Welfare and Work Incentives 

      CALLAN, TIM (ESRI, 2011)
      Over the last decade Irish tax policy has undergone dramatic shifts. As the economy boomed in the early 2000s, income tax rates were reduced, tax credits were increased and the standard rate band was widened. Social welfare ...
    • Towards a Better and Sustainable Health Care System Resource Allocation and Financing Issues for Ireland 

      RUANE, FRANCES (ESRI, 15/10/2010)
      The key to any efficient and sustainable system is coherence ? the various elements must lead in the same direction so that actions do not conflict and mixed signals are avoided. In the context of a complex system, such ...
    • Trends in Air Pollution in Ireland: A Decomposition Analysis 

      TOL, RICHARD S. J. (ESRI, 13/02/2012)
      Trends in the emissions to air of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and ammonia in Ireland are analysed with a logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition for the period of ...
    • UK Tourists, The Great Recession and Irish Tourism Policy 

      TOL, RICHARD S. J.; CALLAGHAN, NIAMH (ESRI, 27/10/2011)
      Inbound tourism to Ireland fell sharply in 2009 and 2010. Visits to Ireland from the UK, the dominant country of origin of visitors to Ireland, did not fall faster than UK visits elsewhere. We use micro-data for UK travellers ...
    • What Has Happened to Marginal Tax Rates? 

      As the economy boomed in the early 2000s, income tax rates were reduced, tax credits were increased and the standard rate band was widened. With the onset of the crisis in 2007-2008, and the collapse of revenues from capital ...