Now showing items 18-20 of 20

    • Trade unions and combinations in 1853 

      Leslie, T.E. Cliffe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      Being desirous of obtaining authentic information with respect to the present character and prevalence of combinations among the working classes, I have endeavoured to possess myself of it by personal inquiry from persons ...
    • What are the duties of the public with respect to charitable savings banks? 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      Here are two kinds of savings' bank, a joint stock savings' bank, and a government savings' bank. But the sort of institution to which I am about to direct your attention, is quite distinct from these in some essential ...
    • The wine duties, with reference to their effects on the commercial relations between the British dominions and France 

      Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In the following paper I propose to lay before you a summary of the history of the wine duties, and of the present condition of the trade, chiefly with reference to our commercial relations with France. Although these ...