Now showing items 3-22 of 48

    • Abstract of paper 'On the dwellings of working men in cities, and the efforts that have been made to improve them' 

      Urlin, R. Denny (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)
      I have undertaken to bring forward this subject, not that I hope to state anything which shall be new, but because the subject appears one which should no longer be overlooked by this Society.
    • Address by the Vice-President at the opening of the Nineteenth Session 

      O'Hagan, Thomas (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1866)
      That Association has endured for nearly twenty years, continually acquiring strength and influence. It has been a remarkable phenomenon in the social state of Ireland?remarkable, alike, in its action and in Its objects; ...
    • Address by the Vice-president at the opening of the Twentieth Session 

      Kane, Robert, Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      It has appeared to me most beneficial, as well as most simple, that your attention should be called on this occasion to the third branch of our objects, to wit, that of Public Health, a subject which although but of ...
    • Appendix to the foregoing address [by the President, Hon. Judge Longfield, at the opening of the eighteenth session] 

      Unknown author (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)
      Some people say that no legislation ought to take place until it is called for by the landlords, who, from experience, ought to know the best way of managing their own properties, quieta non moveri, or in vulgar English, ...
    • The application of commercial enterprise to the construction of railways 

      Mulholland, W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      At a late meeting of the Society Dr. Hancock exhibited a very suggestive table, showing the unsatisfactory financial position of Irish Railways. It must have occurred to many at the time that a similar table of the ...
    • Banking considered with special reference to a strictly limited issue of government paper money 

      Ross, David (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      I propose to bring under your consideration the subject of Banking with special reference to a strictly limited issue of Government Paper Money.
    • A central criminal court for the county and city of Dublin 

      Molloy, Constantine (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      Previous to the year 1729 all serious offences, such as treasons or felonies committed in either the city or the county of Dublin, were triable only at the bar of the Court of King's Bench in term time, or under a special ...
    • Co-operation as a means of improving the condition of the working classes 

      Haughton, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      I apprehend it will be admitted by all our members that few other subjects than the one which I have chosen are more important in their nature, or more in accordance with the purposes for which our Association was ...
    • A comparison between the English and Irish Poor Laws with respect to the conditions of relief 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      I do not propose in this paper to examine the question, on which so much may be said, of the policy of a more liberal outdoor relief in the present condition of Ireland. My object is simply to state, as correctly as I ...
    • The condition of our railways considered with reference to their purchase by the state 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      The condition of the Railways of Great Britain and Ireland has for the past few years increasingly occupied public attention. It has caused much dissatisfaction both to the public and to the shareholders?to the public ...
    • Considerations on the state of Ireland, an address delivered at the opening of the seventeenth session 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      Called by the desire of your Council to address you at the opening of a new session, and thus led to consider more closely the condition of Ireland, I could not but be impressed by the grave character of the crisis. ...
    • The debt and taxation of Ireland 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      My attention has been directed to the "Report of the Special Committee of the Municipal Council of Dublin on the state of the Public Accounts between Ireland and Great Britain," and I design to lay before you the results ...
    • The differences between the statutes bearing on public health for England and Ireland 

      Mapother, E. D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)
      No medical practitioner who has treated disease in this country, especially in its populous towns, can have failed to observe the insufficiency of our present legal enactments towards its prevention. Upon me this conviction ...
    • The extension of the field for the employment of women 

      Houston, Arthur (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      In order to bring out clearly the results of the teachings of reason and of experience on the question of extending the field of women's industry, I shall place before you a brief summary of the arguments on both sides, ...
    • The financial position of Irish railways 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      Mr. William John Hancock exhibited the following Tables, compiled by Dr. Hancock, to shew the financial position of Irish Railways, and explained the views of Dr. Hancock in respect of the statistics thus shown. It ...
    • Free-trade: abolition of customs and excise duties; and a sketch of a simpler and better mode of raising a Revenue 

      Haughton, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      Among those many useful topics to which I have alluded, the discussion of Free-trade, and its partial adoption by us, and other nations, has been attended with many beneficial results. It is my main object in this paper ...
    • The functions of grand juries in criminal cases 

      Monahan, James H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)
      The various branches of our criminal procedure are necessarily closely interwoven. The necessity or the usefulness of a particular step in the complex process by which criminals are brought to justice, is often dependent ...
    • The Government Assurance and Annuity Acts, 16& 17 Vic. cap 45; 27 & 28 Vic. cap. 43 

      O'Shaughnessy, Michael John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      The habit of Life Assurance is now almost universal among the wealthier classes, who every day appreciate its uses more and more; but unfortunately its benefits rarely reach the poor, who stand much more in need of them. ...
    • Ireland in 1864 

      Heron, Denis Caulfield (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1864)
      In January, 1862,I had the honour of reading before the Society a short paper called Historical Statistics of Ireland. In it I said, "Ireland is decreasing in wealth and population." The proposition was earnestly ...
    • Notes on the French system of railways 

      McDonnell, Alexander (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      At the present time, when there is a good deal of interest taken in the question of railways, it appears to me that a short account of the French railway system may be interesting.