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dc.contributor.authorO'Shaughnessy, Mark S.
dc.identifier.citationO'Shaughnessy, Mark S., 'The educational and other aspects of the statistics of crime in Dublin'. - Dublin: Dublin Statistical Society,Vol.III, Part XIX, 1861, pp61-70en
dc.descriptionRead Monday, December 17th, 1860en
dc.description.abstractBy resisting the continued influx of country pauperism into the large towns; by repressing so far as is possible the tendency to this movement which is nourished by the circumstance that poor law aid is available only in the towns, ? that is to say, in the Workhouse; by exercising actively the legal powers of enforcing sanitary regulations; by discouraging the demoralizing crowding-together of the poor in close and filthy city habitations; by insisting upon the constant use of moral agencies in the education of the young, not mere school instruction, but systematic training in daily labour, and not even this alone, but withdrawing from them the pernicious examples which will ever be found by the simple and unthinking amongst masses of population, and banishing from the public gaze debasing exhibitions of open profligacy and unblushing vice; by efforts tending to such ends crime must be diminished and society improved. As in the spread of education, the increase of prosperity, the growth of labour, we have seen the number of criminals diminish, so we may still trust in the extension of good results when we devote ourselves to the exercise of good means.en
dc.format.extent712635 bytes
dc.publisherDublin Statistical Societyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of the Dublin Statistical Societyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.1, Part XIX, 1861en
dc.relation.haspartVol. [No.], [Year]en
dc.subjectEducation and crimeen
dc.titleThe educational and other aspects of the statistics of crime in Dublinen
dc.typeJournal articleen

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