Now showing items 21-30 of 47
Preliminary guidance on facial hair and respiratory protection in the healthcare setting in the context of COVID-19 and other pathogens transmitted by the same route : V1.0, 18/03/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-03-18)
COVID-19 safe use of masks poster : 30/04/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-30)
Interim infection prevention and control guidance including outbreak control in residential care facilities (RCF) and similar units for pandemic COVID-19 : V2.1. 08/04/20
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-08)
Preliminary guideline on infection prevention control related to community based centres collecting samples for testing for COVID-19 : V1.0, 21/03/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-03-21)
COVID-19 guidance on visitations to residential care facilities : V1.1, 21/07/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-07-22)
Interim public health and infection prevention control guidelines on the prevention and management of COVID-19 cases and outbreaks in residential care facilities and similar units : V3, 10/03/20
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-10)
Acute hospital infection prevention and control precautions for possible or confirmed COVID-19 in a pandemic setting : V1.2, 30/05/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-05-30)
Preliminary infection prevention & control guidance for COVID-19 community assessment hubs : V3.0, 12/04/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-14)
Advice for General Practitioners in relation to assessment and management of patients with suspected Novel Coronavirus infection : V1.0, 28/01/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-01-28)
Guidance on the use of surgical masks in the healthcare setting in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic : V1.0, 21/04/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-21)