Now showing items 1-10 of 251
Key points for construction industry in responding to a case of COVID-19 V1.5. 15/11/2021
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2021-11-15)
Coronavirus COVID-19 : donning coveralls in the context of COVID 19, 19/05/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-05-19)
COVID-19 Interim recommendations for sports activities for children and adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Version 1.6 30.09.2021
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2021-09-30)
National Guidelines for Public Health management of contacts of cases of COVID-19. V 9.4. 21.09.2021
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2021-09-21)
Isolation quick guide for parents and guardians of children older than 3 months and up to 13 years of age. V2.3. 17.08.2021
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2021-08-17)
COVID-19 contact management programme : 28/05/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-05-28)
Information for close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19 : V2, 21/03/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-03-21)
Guidance for homeless settings and other vulnerable group settings : V4.0, 28/08/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-09-01)
Prevention and management of COVID-19 in community residential and in-patient facilities, 3rd April 2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-04-06)
COVID-19 : preliminary guidance on infection prevention and control practice in settings of high-throughput sample collection, V1.0 14/03/2020
(Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 2020-03-14)