Now showing items 1-20 of 33

    • Symposium on national income and social accounts 

      McCarthy, M. D.; Duncan, G. A.; Whitaker, T. K.; Lynch, Patrick (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1952)
      The series of tables and notes which form the kernel of this contribution to the Society's symposium on National Income are designed as an appendix to the recent White Paper,1 which contained the official estimates of ...
    • Symposium on social security 

      Eason, J. C. M.; Coyne, E. J.; Mortished, R. J. P.; Henderson, R.; Johnston, Joseph; McElhinney, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      When I was asked to make some comments upon the White Paper entitled ?Social Security? no indication was given as to the particular aspect with which I was expected to deal. The paper is of importance because it summarises ...
    • Analysis showing the objects of expenditure and sources of revenue of Eire during financial years 1929/30, 1939/40 and 1945/46 

      Eason, J. C. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      This paper presents the details of the 1945/46 Finance Accounts, and incorporates the Tables which appeared in the last paper read before the Society on the 23rd May, 1941. The basis of classification is put in the foreground ...
    • The Industrial Relations Act, 1946 

      Mortished, R. J. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      The Industrial Relations Act, which was introduced and enacted last year with the general approval of both employers' and workers' organizations and of all parties in the Oireachtas, is not a very lengthy measure, but it ...
    • The function of marketing research in the distributive system 

      Holmes, Denis (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      Marketing research may be said to perform the same function in the economic system as the reconnaissance patrol performs in military manoeuvres. Its main purpose is to discover, as far in advance as possible, what are the ...
    • Tuberculosis: a social survey 

      Kidney, William C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      Tuberculosis is essentially a disease of civilization, which dates back to the earliest days of history. We see five great historical facts about the disease, (i) its antiquity, (ii) its recognition as a separate disease, ...
    • Our dairying and cattle industries 

      Kennedy, Henry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      In this country, of the 11.6 million acres of agricultural land, before the war about 10 millions were under grass. While in the future the cultivated area may not sink to the 1939 level, there is no doubt that in the ...
    • An economic basis for an Irish rural civilisation 

      Johnston, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      The general argument of this paper is that if we would establish a suitable economic basis for a worth-while Irish rural civilisation we must have, not only co-operation of farmers living in their scattered homesteads, ...
    • Theories of adjustment of the balance of payments under fixed exchanges 

      Menton, Brendan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      Any system of stable exchange rates is one in which the quantity of money in each country is determined primarily by the balance of payments. Discrepancies in the balance of payments may be settled temporarily by movements ...
    • Excess demand and investment in the United Kingdom 

      Williams, B. R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      By excess demand I mean the current excess of private disposable income, after the deduction of voluntary saving, over the target- figure for the supply of consumption goods at current prices, and that piled-up demand for ...
    • Natality in Dublin in the years 1943, 1944 and 1945 

      Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      The population problem is a subject of the greatest importance to every country. The Government of this country has quite recently appointed a Commission to inquire into the level and trend of Population, with a special ...
    • Statistical notes on the economic history of Irish agriculture, 1847-1913 

      Staehle, Hans (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1951)
      The present paper is an attempt at an economic interpretation of the development of Irish agriculture, from the potato famine to the First World War, roughly 1847-1913, on the basis of the vast, and indeed unique, body of ...
    • Factors influencing air transport rates and fares 

      FitzGerald, Garret (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1952)
      Three primary choices face every transport operator: the choice of his field of operations, of a vehicle or vehicles suitable for this field, and of a rate structure that will ensure the maximum return on his activities. ...
    • Company accounting 

      Bray, F. Sewell (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1952)
      I suspect that some of you will think it a trifle odd that I should seek to impose upon a learned society a dissertation on company accounting, and perhaps I should clear my conscience by confessing to some doubts when I ...
    • The Electricity Supply Board 

      Browne, R. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1952)
      Within recent years the supply, of electricity has moved into a position of a definite importance in our everyday activities. There are many reasons for this, but chief amongst them is its great adaptability for use as a ...
    • Financial results on twenty-five farms in mid-Roscommon in 1948-1949 

      O'Connor, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      It should be explained at the outset that the main object of these inquiries is not so much to examine financial conditions in this district as to show ways and means of carrying out a more broadly based survey. In other ...
    • Marshall Aid 

      Duncan, G. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      The peg on which these reflections are hung is the Economic Cooperation Act of the Congress of the United States of America. That Act was a gesture of magnificent generosity on the part of the American people, equalled ...
    • Theory and policy in Anglo-Irish trade relations, 1775-1800 

      Black, R. D. Collison (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      The manner in which economic theory affects economic policy, and vice-versa, is a question which has been the subject of much generalisation, but little detailed research. Obvious instances can be found in which policy ...
    • State enterprises 

      O'Donovan, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      Twenty-five years ago there was in existence only a single company which might be regarded as similar to the very large number of semi- state bodies which are now in existence. During the intervening twenty five years while ...
    • The Universities - III 

      Meenan, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1950)
      The limitations of this paper should be made clear at the start. It represents an attempt to bring together the statistics relating to university education in this part of the country and to examine how far they have changed ...