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dc.identifier.citationCitizens Information Board (Ireland), 'Consultation on draft National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022 : Citizens Information Board response to the Department of Rural and Community Development consultation.', [other], Citizens Information Board, 2019en
dc.descriptionThe Citizens Information Board (CIB) welcomes the development by Government, led by the Department of Rural and Community Development, of a National Social Enterprise Policy. Such a policy is clearly necessary in order to optimise the potential contribution of individuals, groups and local communities in ensuring both better quality services and best use of available resources. CIB has an interest in social enterprise for a number of reasons. Firstly, the availability of quality public services is a key concern for many of the people who use our services – Citizens Information Services (CISs), Money Advice and Budgeting Services (MABS) and the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS). Secondly, CIB was actively involved in the establishment of the personal micro-credit initiative (‘It Makes Sense’ loans) in conjunction with the Social Finance Foundation. Thirdly, CIB has a strong commitment to social inclusion and developing the potential of local communities in that regard. We see the promotion of social enterprise as an integral part of government support for the voluntary and community sector which is a core component of our service delivery infrastructure. We welcome the inclusion of a national social enterprise policy as part of a suite of measures for the development of the voluntary and community sector.en
dc.publisherCitizens Information Boarden
dc.subjectDepartment of Rural and Community Developmenten
dc.subjectCitizens information servicesen
dc.subjectNational Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022en
dc.titleConsultation on draft National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022 : Citizens Information Board response to the Department of Rural and Community Development consultation.en
dc.contributor.corporatenameCitizens Information Board (Ireland)en

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