Now showing items 711-730 of 1604

    • Modelling the Irish economy: a progress report on the Central Bank's macroeconometric model 

      Central Bank of Ireland, Research Department (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1979)
      Methods of empirical economic analysis have undergone enormous changes in recent decades. The availability of improved statistics and of high-speed computers have facilitated this process, but the increasing ambition and ...
    • Monetary functions of commercial banks 

      Brennan, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
      The object of this paper is to attempt to elucidate briefly from a practical standpoint the significance of bank deposits and bank loans in the monetary system and to analyse the actual character of the processes which ...
    • Monetary policy and the Depression 

      O'Brien, George (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1934)
      The economic mechanism is obviously out of gear, and it is an easy solution of the trouble to blame the lubricant. Before, however, arriving at a hasty conclusion, one should pause to consider whether it is not unreasonable ...
    • Monetary reform 

      Bastable, C. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1886)
      A noteworthy feature at the present time, is the disposition to neglect minor reforms, and to seek for great and almost instantaneous results by wide and sweeping measures, which, unfortunately, rarely produce the effects ...
    • Money and banking in Ireland - origins development and future 

      McGowan, Padraig (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1989)
      Currency and banking have a relatively long tradition in Ireland. Coins have circulated for about 1,000 years and banking has been practised for some 300 years. Significant financial change was a feature of earlier periods ...
    • Money demand in Ireland, 1933-2012 

      Gerlach, Stefan; Stuart, Rebecca (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2014)
      Using annual data from several sources, we study the evolution of M1, M2, income, prices and long and short interest rates in Ireland over the period 1933-2012. We find cointegration and that prices, income and interest ...
    • Mortality experience among the lower income families in Eire 

      Shaw, D.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1947)
      A wide range of statistical investigations are required for the efficient conduct of industrial assurance business and extensive data is accumulated dealing with the mortality experience of the lives assured. I shall confine ...
    • Mortality from influenza in Ireland 

      Thompson, William J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1920)
      Since the period of the Great Famine ("The Black Forty-seven"), with its awful attendant horrors of fever and cholera, no disease of an epidemic nature created so much havoc in any one year in Ireland as Influenza ...
    • The mortality from tuberculosis in Saorstat Eireann: a statistical study 

      Geary, R. C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1930)
      There were 3,774 deaths from tuberculosis in Saorstat Eireann in 1929, or 128 per 100,000 of the estimated population. For the fourth year in succession declines have been recorded. The rate in 1929 was 6.6% less than ...
    • Mortality statistics in Northern Ireland: past uses and future possibilities 

      O'Reilly, Dermot (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2006)
      The compulsory registration of births and deaths was established throughout most European countries during the 19th century. Enabling legislation was introduced for Ireland in 1863 with the first registration report ...
    • Mr. MacNeel Caird's essay, in ?The Cobden Club Series?, on local government and taxation in Scotland, considered with reference to the suggestions it affords upon the following questions: (1) road authorities in Scotland and Ireland; (2) Scotch and Irish local courts; (3) union rating; (4) the Scotch law for securing improvements in town holdings 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1875)
      At the last meeting of Council of this Society, Mr. Jonathan Pim, made a suggestion that the recently published series of essays obtained by the Cobden Club on Local Government and Local Taxation in England, Scotland, ...
    • Municipal government and taxation 

      Pim, Joseph T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1875)
      The wide and complicated question of local government and taxation, probably occupies more public attention at the present time than any other question of home politics. It is my purpose this evening to consider only that ...
    • Municipal trading 

      Shaw, James J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1906)
      One of the most strongly-marked characteristics of the older school of British Political Economy was its intense jealousy of State interference with the processes of industry or with the course of trade. From Adam Smith ...
    • Natality in Dublin in the year 1955 

      Knaggs, J. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      Certain modifications were made in 1955 in the system of recording births in this country, with a view to extending the amount of statistical information available and bringing the Irish statistics on the subject into ...
    • Natality in Dublin in the years 1943, 1944 and 1945 

      Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1948)
      The population problem is a subject of the greatest importance to every country. The Government of this country has quite recently appointed a Commission to inquire into the level and trend of Population, with a special ...
    • The national expenditure of the Irish Free State in 1926 

      Kiernan, T. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1933)
      In the Economic Journal, March, 1933, I based an estimate of the national income of the population of the Irish Free State in 1926 on the published official statistics in the reports on the Census of Population and ...
    • National health insurance 

      O Brolchain, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1943)
      It is necessary, in any consideration of the National Health Insurance scheme, to bear in mind a number of important factors. (a) It was established initially to relieve the excessive demands on the Poor Law, following ...
    • National health insurance 

      Riordan, R. G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1928)
      To the majority of people interest in Social Insurance begins and ends in stamping cards for their employees, and that interest does not appear to be sufficiently enterprising or inquisitive to examine into the objects ...
    • National health insurance from the worker's standpoint 

      Duffy, L. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1928)
      Before proceeding to consider the manner in which the intention of the Act in regard to the prevention and cure of illness has been fulfilled it may be convenient to examine the extent to which the monetary assistance ...
    • The National Insurance Act, 1911, (Part I.) as applying to Ireland 

      Edwards, W. Dudley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1912)
      I propose to draw attention to the more important of the special modifications of the Insurance Act in its application to Ireland, and to give the numbers of the various classes of people who will be affected by ...