Now showing items 1375-1394 of 2087

    • Perceptual enhancement of two-level volume rendering 

      Dingliana, John (2010)
      We present a system for interactive visualisation of 3D volumetric medical datasets combined with perceptual evaluation of how such visualizations can affect a user's interpretation of scenes and attention. Enhancements ...
    • Perceptual evaluation of level of detail clothing for virtual humans 

      O'Sullivan, Carol; Mc Donnell, Rachel (2006)
      Recent developments in crowd simulation have allowed thousands of characters to be rendered in real-time. Usually this is achieved through the use of Level of Detail (LOD) models for the individuals in the crowd. ...
    • Perceptually adaptive graphics 

      In recent years, the Graphics community has come to realise the importance of taking human perception into account when striving for realism in images, animations and Virtual Environments. In May 2001, a EUROGRAPHICS/ SIGGRAPH ...
    • Perceptually guided authoring of image based representations 

      Morvan, Yann (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2007)
      The creation of digital visual content has become a major activity in a broad range of industries. A huge quantity of labour is invested in related tasks, from modeling to de-noising of captured data. There has been ...
    • Perceptually Optimized Color Maps for Visualizing Large Numbers of Features 

      Dingliana, John (IEEE, 2019)
      We propose an approach, called the Equilibrium Distribution Model (EDM), for automatically selecting colors with optimum perceptual contrast for scientific visualization. Given any number of features that need to be ...
    • A Perceptually Optimized Color Selection Technique for Visualization 

      Dingliana, John (2018)
      We propose an approach, called the Equilibrium Distribution Model (EDM), for automatically selecting colors with optimum perceptual contrast for scientific visualization. Given any number of features that need to be ...
    • Perceptually-Adaptive Collision Detection for Real-time Computer Animation 

      O'SULLIVAN, CAROL ANN (Unversity of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin. Department of Computer Science, 1999)
      The aim of interactive animation systems is to create an exciting and real experience for viewers, to give them a feeling of immersion, of "being there". The tendency in the past has been to attempt to achieve this by ...
    • Performance analysis of cryptographic protocols on handheld devices 

      O'Mahony, Donal; Tewari, Hitesh (IEEE, 2004)
    • Performance Analysis of RSMA-aided UAV-to-Ground Communications 

      Pham, Viet (2023)
      This paper investigates the performance of downlink rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA)-aided unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication systems, wherein a multi-antenna UAV exploits RSMA to serve multiple ground ...
    • A Performance Analysis of Supervised Learning Classifiers for QoT Estimation in ROADM-based Networks 

      Ruffini, Marco (2019)
      Machine learning techniques for optimization purposes in the optical domain have been reviewed extensively in recent years. While several studies are pointing in the right direction towards building ...
    • Personal privacy and online systems 

      MAC AONGHUSA, POL (Trinity College Dublin. School of Computer Science & Statistics. Discipline of Computer Science, 2019)
      A significant portion of the modern internet is funded by commercial return from customised content such as advertising where user interests are learned from users' online behaviour and used to display personalised content. ...
    • Personalisation for all: making adaptive course composition easy 

      The goal of personalised eLearning is to support e-learning content, activities and collaboration, adapted to the specific needs and influenced by specific preferences of the learner and built on sound pedagogic strategies. ...
    • Personalisation, Empowering the Playful, The Social Media Cloud 

      Abstract. Beyond the Cloud? It is easy to forget that the majority of humanity is not Cloud-included; indeed most are already beyond the Cloud. To be precise they have never, and will never be part of this thing we call ...
    • Personalised E-Learning Through Learning Style Aware Adaptive Systems 

      Canavan, John (Trinity College Dublin. Department of Computer Science, 2004-09)
      There are many factors than can influence the extent of learning. These would include factors such as the student's learning style and motivation for learning. In a learning environment, each individual student will have ...
    • Personalised E-Learning: Facilitating students' understanding and mastery of new concepts 

    • Personalised E-Learning: The assessment of students' prior knowledge in Higher Education 

      Society’s use of mobile applications that instantaneously dynamically adapt to input has had the effect of users expecting immediate feedback from all applications based on their specific needs. The traditional concept ...
    • Personalised eLearning development environments 

      Dagger, Declan (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Computer Science & Statistics, 2006)
      Personalised eLearning is seen as a key element for next generation educational programmes [DFES, 2005]. The goal of personalised eLearning is to support eLearning content, activities and collaboration, adapted to the ...
    • Personalised Learning for Casual Games: The 'Language Trap' Online Language Learning Game 

      WADE, VINCENT PATRICK; PEIRCE, NEIL (Academic Publishing, 2010)
      The features of video games that contribute to effective learning are drawing increasing attention in the world of technology enhanced learning. To date, game based learning has focussed on the learning benefits provided ...
    • Personalised Privacy Policies 

      O'Sullivan, Declan; Lewis, David; Pandit, Harshvardhan (2018)
      Internet services have become an important part of the daily life for a large number of people, and often deal with varying amounts of personal information. A privacy policy is a legal document governed by territorial ...
    • Personalised Role Playing Simulations 

      O'DONNELL, EILEEN; SHARP, MARY (2011-06-09)
      This research explores the use of personalised role playing simulations to encourage active student engagement in the learning process. Personalised role playing simulations could provide educators with an alternative ...