Browsing Irish Wildlife Manuals [edeposit] by Author "Tierney, David"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Checklists Protected and Threatened Species in Ireland
Nelson, Brian; Cummins, Sinéad; Fay, Loraine; Jeffrey, Rebecca; Kelly, Seán; Kingston, Naomi; Lockhart, Neil; Marnell, Ferdia; Tierney, David; Wyse Jackson, Mike (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, ireland, 2019-12)This volume provides checklists of the plant and animal species that are afforded legal protection in Ireland, through the Nature Directives (Birds and Habitat Directives), and the Wildlife Acts and associated Statutory ... -
Countryside Bird Survey : Status and Trends of Common and Widespread Breeding Birds 1998-2016
Lewis, Lesley; Coombes, Dick; Burke, Brian; O'Halloran, John; Walsh, Alyn; Tierney, David; Cummins, Sinéad (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, ireland, 2019-12)The Countryside Bird Survey (CBS) is an annual survey that tracks the breeding populations of Ireland’s common and widespread birds. This on-going survey is underpinned by the efforts of around 200 field surveyors, mostly ... -
Irish Wetland Bird Survey: Waterbird Status and Distribution 2009/10 - 2015/16
Lewis, Lesley; Burke, Brian; Fitzgerald, Niamh; Tierney, David; Kelly, Seán (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, ireland, 2019-07)Executive Summary: Annual monitoring of the distribution and abundance wintering waterbirds is carried out in the Republic of Ireland by the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS). This monitoring programme, which commenced ... -
The Status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 - 2018
Cummins, Sinéad; Lauder, Claire; Lauder, Alan; Tierney, David (National Parks and Wildlife Service. Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, ireland, 2019-11)Every summer approximately one half to three-quarters of a million seabirds congregate in colonies across Ireland to start their breeding season. Their preferred breeding habitats are principally found on mainland cliffs ...