Browsing Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment General Collection [edeposit] by Title
Now showing items 64-83 of 116
Higher education research & development survey 2016-2017
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-07-02) -
Innovation 2020 : fourth progress report July 2019
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-07) -
Innovation 2020 : Ireland's strategy for research and development, science and technology
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2015-12) -
Innovation 2020 : key actions
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2015-12) -
Innovation 2020 : key messages
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2015-12) -
Innovation 2020 : progress report July 2016
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2016-07) -
Innovation 2020 : second progress report July 2017
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2017-07) -
Innovation 2020 : third progress report July 2018
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2018-07) -
Interim protected disclosures policy : September 2015
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-03) -
IP protocol resource guide : a framework for successful research commercialisation
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-03) -
Ireland's competitiveness scorecared 2019
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-07) -
Ireland's industry 4.0 strategy 2020-2025 : supporting the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector and its supply chain
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-12) -
Ireland's national IP protocol 2019 : a framework for successful research commercialisation
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-02) -
Japan EPA
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-10-11) -
Microfinance Ireland : directors' report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-06) -
Mid-term review of innovation 2020
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-06) -
National framework on the transition to an open research environment
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-07) -
National market surveillance programme 2019
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-07) -
National space strategy for enterprise 2019-2025
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2019-06) -
Occasional trading permit application form
(Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, ireland, 2013-05)